趣味 | ダンス、動画を観ること、音楽鑑賞、運動、スケボー |
特技 | おもしろい表情を作ること |
コメント | 夢を叶えるために全力を尽くして走ります!! |
Coming soon ...
ケイくんてKぽぽいなーって眺めてたら、お母様からのお手紙に韓国て文字があって、ん?ボイプラのケイくんか!!てなった。 そうか、BMSGの練習生になってたのね。 次オーディションにも出るようで。 頑張れー! #BMSG_GraduationParty
"I am selling my album of EVNNE at a low price. If anyone is interested, please reply to me m(_ _)m (Shipping cost to be paid by the buyer (cash on delivery)) EVNNE, Keita, Park Han-bin, Lee Jung-hyun, Yoo Seung-eon, Ji Yoon-jung, Moon Jung-hyun, Park Ji-hoo, K-pop, BOYS PLANET #EVNNE #EVNNEpurchase pic.x.com/ikzNbdXQwB"
イブンのアルバムお安くお譲りいたします 欲しい方いらっしゃればリプくださいm(_ _)m (送料負担(着払い発送)) EVNNE 케이타 ケイタ 박한빈 パクハンビン 이정현 イジョンヒョン 유승언 ユスンオン 지윤저 チユンソ 문정현 ムンジョンヒョン 박지후 パクジフ 韓国 KPOP BOYSPLANET #EVNNE #EVNNE買取 pic.x.com/ikzNbdXQwB
The debut group is of course wonderful, but I can't forget about Haruto Maeda. He had the determination to achieve results while still in high school. Since he debuted through BOY PLAN and TOZ, I really hope to see him reunite with Keiju on stage. I also can't forget the praise for his dancing from Park. #KickFlip_KEIJU #TOZ_HARUTO youtube.com/clip/UgkxVoIE7…
デビュー組ももちろん素敵だけど、忘れられないのが前田晴翔くん。高校在学中に結果を残さないとという覚悟。ボイプラからTOZでデビューしてるから、ケイジュとぜひステージでの再会を望む。パークさんからの踊りの評価も忘れられない。 #KickFlip_KEIJU #TOZ_HARUTO youtube.com/clip/UgkxVoIE7…
There's a kid named Amal from +Kickflip, and I've really practiced with him for a long time. We practiced together for about 4 to 5 years. At Japan's YG... So I've seen everything about Amal appearing on LOUD. When I debuted, Amal celebrated for me... and when he appeared on BOY PLANET, he told me, "Hey Kei, you're going to be on BOY PLANET, huh?"
+Kickflipのアマルって子がいるんだけど、この子とほんっと長い間練習したんよ。この子と…4~5年は一緒に練習したんよ。日本のYGで… だからアマルがLOUDに出たのも全部見たんだけどね マルも僕がデビューした時祝ってくれて…ボイプラ出た時も、マルが僕に「ケイくんボイプラ出るんだね〜」って+
The tweet translates to: "Right now, the trending kick frip Keiju-kun, TNX Hyunsoo-kun from Road to Kingdom, and Ye-dam-kun from Boys Planet → One Pact are all here, it's luxurious!"
ここいま話題のkick frip ケイジュくん、road to kingdom のTNXヒョンスくん、ボイプラ→one pactのイェダムくんもいて、豪華 x.com/1til7f6jo86016…
The tweet translates to: "There are talks about Ciipher, talks about my little sister, and talks about Voice Planet, and the highlight is that we can listen to Shadow again!! Keita fans must watch it! (ENG) Lee Daehwi x Even (EVNNE) Keita Hanbin, please have a casual chat today...⭐ A chat room full of stories. Do you want to grab some ramen? EP.26 youtu.be/m01JEj8pGOU?si… @YouTube"
Ciipherの話も妹ちゃんの話もボイプラの話もあって極めつけはShadowがまた聴ける!!ケイタペンは必ず観るべし! (ENG)이대휘x이븐(EVNNE) 케이타 한빈, 오늘의 수다 이븐하게 부탁해요...⭐ 썰이 넘치는 수다방I 라면 먹고 갈래? EP.26 youtu.be/m01JEj8pGOU?si… @YouTubeより
The tweet translates to: "As a BMSG TRAINEE, Kei-kun, who is a participant in the voice project, is here!! vt.tiktok.com/ZSMfMc46y/"
BMSG TRAINEEとして ボイプラ出演者のケイクンが!! vt.tiktok.com/ZSMfMc46y/
"I just found out that Kei-kun, who was on 'BoiPura,' has become a trainee!! 😳 x.com/bmsg_trainee/s…"