キム ソニョプさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
Many people are saying that Pujé is the worst compared to MA1, Boipura, Garupura, and past Produce series. I've watched them all, but for me, Pujé was the best because I got to meet Kim Jong-min, someone I can love more than anyone else in the past. Of course, I have some complaints about the show, but meeting Jong-min made Pujé the best for me.
キムシオンくんストーリーにスタシのサバ番あげてますけど? ウォンチョンくんとかもいたりします? オーディションの時期的にMAKEMATE1から流れて来てもおかしくないしすでにファン付いてる子がいるならサバ番も納得だけど ショヌくん出てからメンバー決まるまで見てしまった🤭
キムちよ牧のやり取り最高だったな〜🥰 京介さんいい色のMA-1着てますね♡ pic.x.com/Fozhjhbwtm
The tweet translates to: "The interaction with Kimuchiyo was the best~ 🥰 Kyosuke-san is wearing a nice colored MA-1♡"
Sukekiyo "Yume Mitaka Kyou" - Shikkoku no Gi - 2025.2.16 (Sun) Kyō-kun's costume worn at Kyoto Theater... KIDILL × FOSTEX GARMENT COLLABORATION WITH JAMIE REID / REVERSIBLE MA-1 JACKET / BLACK × URBAN CAMO and KIDILL / Harness Pleats Skirt / BROWN pic.x.com/fyh9Ipnuo2
sukekiyo 「夢御伽教」-漆黒の儀- 2025.2.16(Sun) 京都劇場での京君着用衣装…KIDILL × FOSTEX GARMENT COLLABORATION WITH JAMIE REID / REVERSIBLE MA-1 JACKET / BLACK × URBAN CAMOとKIDILL / Harness Pleats Skirt / BROWN pic.x.com/fyh9Ipnuo2
"By the way, this green MA-1 looks way too good on Jun-kyu, it's a new discovery 🟢🧤 He can pull off any color in the world, there’s no such thing as personal color for Kim Jun-kyu..."
Here’s the translation of the tweet: - "Boipura 1 pick → Park Han Bin (My favorite chemistry is Park Han x Kim Tae Re) I debuted with evnne and zb1, but I still love this place ❤︎ - MA1 1 pick → Yoon Duk (My favorite chemistry is Yoon Duk x Yoon Jae Yong) Debuted together - Puje 1 pick → Nam Ji Un (My favorite chemistry is Nam Ji Un x Ahn Jung Won) Also debuted together"
The tweet translates to: "By the way, are Minje, Yoonje Yoon, Kim Seungho, Yoon Dok, Jia Hao, and Ahn Shin not participating in Boys Planet 2? What are they doing now??"
The tweet translates to: "Even though I'm just going to the station and the supermarket, I'm pulling out my KIM×GU MA-1 for spring and autumn, while my HOMME MA-1 is already worn out. Heading to Matsuya and Inageya → It's hot."
【#Today】 12.15.Sun 〓MIDDLE TERM PARTY〓 @GrassRootsSama Yokohama OPEN 18:00 / CLOSE 23:00 CHARGE ¥1,500/1 DRINK ORDER ▪︎Live OMSB ▪︎DJ Because Aoki DJ KENICHI a.k.a. MIX NUTS DJ ORGANIC MA1LL / Yoshimura Gannen [B2B] ▪︎Sound Design Motohashi Fruit Parlor ▷info… pic.x.com/EmcomGv1HY
【Timetable Announcement】 12.15.Sun 〓MIDDLE TERM PARTY〓 @GrassRootsSama Yokohama OPEN 18:00 / CLOSE 23:00 CHARGE ¥1,500/1 DRINK ORDER ▪︎Live OMSB ▪︎DJ Because Aoki DJ KENICHI a.k.a. MIX NUTS DJ ORGANIC MA1LL / Yoshimura Gannen [B2B] ▪︎Sound Design Motohashi Fruit Parlor #omsb pic.x.com/RmVZ9gZEwQ
"I love MA1's Kim Seung-ho so much that I want him to be in Puje (crying). I hope he becomes friends with Margin Chan (crying). They have similar body types (crying). Since he's in charge of reactions, I think he would stand out wherever he goes (crying)."
Here’s the translation of the tweet: 【#ThisWeek】 12.15.Sun 〓MIDDLE TERM PARTY〓 @GrassRootsSama Yokohama OPEN 18:00 / CLOSE 23:00 CHARGE ¥1,500/1DRINK ORDER ▪︎Live OMSB ▪︎DJ Because Aoki DJ KENICHI a.k.a. MIX NUTS DJ ORGANIC MA1LL / Yoshimura Gannen [B2B] ▪︎Sound Design Motohashi Fruit Parlor ▷info… pic.x.com/aIpLQAoIdI