趣味 | 絵,ミュージカル |
特技 | あぶりカルビゲーム,英語 |
Coming soon ...
"I finally caught up with Nonoga, but in this part, I really wanted this other character to show up. Instead, KOKOA-chan, who didn't fit the scene at all, appeared, and I found myself thinking 'this isn't the right moment for you' several times 🙄 I think she might be better suited for solo performances 🙄 Also, her face was just too distracting and annoying the whole time..."
AMIちゃん最高すぎ😭 You are the One [AMI, KOKOA, YURI] from Audition "No No Girls" -Performa... youtu.be/fOMT0KleHuk?si… @YouTubeより
The translation of the tweet text "あとノノガのKOKOAとJEWELさん" to English is: "Also, KOKOA and JEWEL from Nonoga."
no no girlsのYUKI/AMI/KOKOAが作ってたyou are the oneがなんか中毒性あって好きなんよなぁ。オーディション中の曲も配信し続けてくれるのありがたい
The tweet translates to: "I really like 'You Are the One' by YUKI/AMI/KOKOA from no no girls; it has a certain addictive quality. I'm grateful that they continue to release songs during the audition process."
The first time I saw it, I thought Chika was amazing! Naoko was amazing! But after watching it multiple times, I realized Cocoa sings really well! Sayaka is cute! And as I keep watching, I find myself liking Sara! Jewel is cute! I'm getting more and more hooked. I'm starting to like the girls I didn't mention by name too. And of course, I will definitely cry at K Arena. Will they debut as a group called "Nonoga"? 🥺
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Watching 'Nonoga' Season 2 with my mom. I laughed when my mom called Chanmina 'sensei' 😂 She didn't make any specific comments like 'Chanmina is wonderful,' but it was clear that she respects her and holds her in high regard. It's so laid-back that we're only on episode 7, but as always, my mom's favorite is KOKOA."
ノノガのKOKOAちゃんめっちゃ好きなんだよなぁ 創作する人としてのストイックさがすごく好き
"I really love KOKOA-chan from Nonoga. I really admire her stoicism as a creator."
今更ノノガの話だけどKアリーナの時にKOKOAちゃんが5次審査の時に力を発揮出来なかったって言ってたの、レコーディングとか見てる限りだと私もそうだと思ったんだ。。 でも、またこの場所に戻りたいって言ってて何て素直なコって思った!お勉強も頑張りながら音楽の夢も掴めるといいねーって思った。
The tweet translates to: "Even though it's a bit late to talk about Nono, during the K Arena, KOKOA-chan mentioned that she couldn't show her true abilities during the 5th round of judging. From what I've seen in the recordings, I felt the same way... But she said she wants to come back to this place again, and I thought how honest she is! I hope she can work hard on her studies while also pursuing her dream in music."
The tweet translates to: "I hope no one forgets Nonoga, the instinct. Become a legend and become eternal. The interaction between REI-chan and KOKOA-chan is on a soul level."