マー ユーリンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | スケートボード / 海を眺めること / スマートフォンで撮影すること / Skateboarding / Looking at ocean / Filming with mobile phone |
特技 | 走ること / 料理 / Running / Cooking |
コメント | 皆さんの愛を待っている、かっこよくてかわいい自由な魂 / A free soul with style and cuteness, waiting for your love |
Coming soon ...
Many people are saying that Pujé is the worst compared to MA1, Boipura, Garupura, and past Produce series. I've watched them all, but for me, Pujé was the best because I got to meet Kim Jong-min, someone I can love more than anyone else in the past. Of course, I have some complaints about the show, but meeting Jong-min made Pujé the best for me.
Tagに全然書いてないけど鯖番好きなのでプデュ2 ガルプラ ボイプラ ユニチケ 日プ3 虹プロ2 I-LAND2 ma1 プジェお話できます〜(><)♡
Recently, I've become someone who diligently watches auditions, and while it's a tough issue to think about who gets eliminated or not, I've started to feel that it's just a matter of not being a good fit. The ones I found most difficult to accept were Ruiichi and Yurina from Girls Planet, Jiahao from MA1, and Aiji and Miraku from Nizi Project 2. 🥲
"I've never had my favorite make it to the finals in Garupura, Boipura, or MA1, but this time they were able to make it to the finals. I really want them to debut like this. I don't want to see any more frustrating tears, and I don't want to shed any frustrating tears myself. #PROJECT7 #프로젝트7 #プジェ #namjiwoon #남지운 #ナムジウン #絶対デビュー"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "[Very satisfied with both the results and content] BOY PLAN, Nizi Project, A2K [Both the results and content were good] Nizi Project 2, After School Tokimeki, ILAND 2, Queendom Puzzle, Unit Ticket [In the end, it was crap but I enjoyed it] MA1, Girls Planet, Star Beasts, Sopan [Watched out of habit] Puje (might end up here) [Gave up halfway] Ayunec"
The tweet translates to: "Anyway, MA1 was pretty interesting~. Basically, I enjoy any kind of mackerel, and even though I felt like Garupura and Keplura were hellish, I somehow like them. But the only mackerel that was boring and disconnected was Ayuneku. Huh, that really wasn't interesting at all, right?"
The tweet translates to: "I have made my debut in various survival shows like Garupla, Nippon Project, Boipura, and MA1, so there's no way that An Jun-won won't debut (words have power)."
The tweet translates to: "While waiting for the Puje, commercials for Ayunec, MA1, Voice Planet, Girl Planet, and I-LAND are continuously coming out from the past servers."
Happy BirthDay #MAYULING🎉🎉 #マーユーリン さん、誕生日おめでとうございます✨✨ マーユーリンさんは25歳になります😘 kpopjuice.com/member/ma_yu_l… #Happy_MAYULING_day #HappyMAYULINGday #GirlsPlanet999
Happy Birthday #MAYULING🎉🎉 Congratulations on your birthday, Ms. マーユーリン✨✨ She turns 25 years old today😘 kpopjuice.com/member/ma_yu_l… #Happy_MAYULING_day #HappyMAYULINGday #GirlsPlanet999
The tweet translates to: "It's no surprise that shows like Produce, Girls Planet, and Boys Planet are popular since they are major survival programs, but MA1 is on a scale that is below SoPan but above FANPICK, so it's impossible not to worry about the future..."
The tweet translates to: "I’ve been eliminated from 1 pick consecutively from Garupura → Boipura → Sopan → Nipura Girls → MA1, so maybe it’s better not to support anyone anymore?"
"I started watching survival shows from GaruPura, so I might just not know the precedents, but it feels like MA1 ended with some unusual results: the group name for the debut group wasn't announced in the finals, and the top 1-3 spots were all foreign nationals. This was my first time watching something other than M-net's survival shows, and I enjoyed it, so I'll check out any new ones that start."
"Saba-ban pushed and this resulted in 6 consecutive dropouts. Nip 1 and Nip 2 Rennta, Nip Girls Batake, Garpura Yurina, Voipura Keita, I-LAND Fukochan. I loosely supported and voted for Voipura, Nip Girls, and others. And now MA1 Han Yuseop 1 pick, let's survive."
I'm seriously touched by the fact that you wrote a letter in Japanese for Maruyu Lingual Pla.