Coming soon ...
ウーーーーッ なんとビックリソプ通過からもう一週間が経ったけどわたしはまだ全然ソープスクールから抜け出せなくて苦しいよ 吐いても吐いても感情の整理がつかないし 複雑な感情をずうっと抱き続けている 誰か、🆘
"Wow, I can't believe it's already been a week since I passed the soap exam, but I'm still completely stuck in soap school and it's really tough. No matter how much I try to express it, I can't sort out my emotions, and I'm constantly holding onto these complicated feelings. Someone, help! 🆘"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "#PinkHappy Winning Report: I received the Brow Designing Slim Pencil from the official Japanese brand, Too Cool For School 🤍 You can easily draw from delicate eyebrow hairs to wider areas with the square edge!!!… pic.x.com/y9gpvmid4q"
#ぴんくHappy 当選報告 too cool for school(トウー クールフォースクール)日本公式様より ブロウ デザイニングスリムペンシルをいただきました🤍 スクエアエッジで繊細に眉毛の毛並みから広い部分まで手軽にかける!!!… pic.x.com/y9gpvmid4q
【現時点の状況】 ・HTML/CSSのカリキュラムほぼ終了🔥 ・スクールと並行して、ITパスポートで基本的なことを学習中📚 ・9月から個人的に勉強してるPythonもコツコツ継続中。 ・タッチタイピングも寿司打で練習中。約2w、30min/dayで練習(3000円)で1800円損→60円お得まで成長しました😭
【Current Situation】 - Almost finished with the HTML/CSS curriculum 🔥 - Currently learning the basics with the IT Passport alongside school 📚 - Continuing to study Python personally since September. - Practicing touch typing with Sushi Da. I've been practicing for about 2 weeks, 30 minutes a day, and have improved from a loss of 1800 yen (3000 yen) to a gain of 60 yen. 😭
"Mr. Wu's salary has been reduced by 20%. This is due to nationwide salary cuts being implemented at state-owned financial institutions. He is worried about being laid off and is troubled about how to come up with the 600,000 yuan (approximately 12 million yen) needed to send his two children to an international school."
「ウーさんの給与は2割削減された。国有金融機関で給与引き下げが全国的に進められているためだ。 彼は解雇を心配し、2人の子どもをインターナショナルスクールに通わせるために必要な60万元(約1200万円)をどう工面しようかと頭を悩ませている」|bloomberg.co.jp/news/articles/…
中国の勝ち組直撃、数百万人幻滅-有能な働き手の士気そぐ危うい政策 bloomberg.co.jp/news/articles/… >ウーさんの給与は2割削減された。国有金融機関で給与引き下げが全国的に進められているためだ。 >2人の子どもをインターナショナルスクールに通わせるために必要な60万元(約1200万円)を(後略)
The tweet translates to: "Direct hit to China's winners, millions disillusioned - precarious policies that dampen the morale of capable workers bloomberg.co.jp/news/articles/… > Mr. Wu's salary has been cut by 20%. This is due to nationwide salary reductions being implemented at state-owned financial institutions. > To send his two children to an international school, he needs 600,000 yuan (about 12 million yen) (continued)."
今日やったこと 統計検定2級勉強 30min ・独立性の検定(練習問題) ・公式問題集CBT対応版 英語の勉強 ・ケンドラ・ランゲージスクール ビジネス英会話リスニング 95-105
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Things I did today: - Studied for the Level 2 Statistics Exam for 30 minutes - Independence test (practice problems) - Official problem set CBT version - Studied English - Kendra Language School - Business English conversation listening 95-105"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Things I did today: Studied for the Level 2 Statistics Exam for 1 hour - goodness-of-fit tests, equivalence tests, Poisson distribution. I feel like these types of problems have a pattern to them. Studied English for 30 minutes - business English conversation listening at Kendra Language School, scores 55-75."
今日やったこと。 統計検定2級勉強 1h ・適合度検定 ・同等性の検定 ・ポアソン分布 このあたりの問題はパターン化してる感あるなあ。 英語の勉強 30min ビジネス英会話リスニング ケンドラ・ランゲージ・スクール 55~75