Coming soon ...
ユウシとシオンくんのクールなダンス、ラスタート以来に見た気がするけどさすがだった …ていうかリョウくん!!!! いつの間に???って浦島になっとる x.com/dingo_japan/st…
今、本気で泣いてる。リョウくんをスカウトしたSMキャスティング担当の方、サクヤくんを動画でオーディション合格にしたSMスタッフの方、2人を同じチームとしてデビューさせてくれたBoAプロデューサー、ラスタート関係者の皆様。ありがとう。リョウくん、サクヤくん、生まれてきてくれてありがとう。 pic.x.com/OrIdqFiYjf
엔시티 위시 시온 포카 양도합니다 프리데뷔 라스타트 회장 한정 NCT Universe LASTART PRE-DEBUT 1.5 시온 리쿠 유우시 재희 료 사쿠야 엔위시 포카 양도 교환 nct wish sion pc photocard sell riku yushi jaehee ryo sakuya シオン リク ユウシ ジェヒ リョウ サクヤ pic.x.com/knKXHffuR3
まだヘイテツくんかぐるぐるしてて(嘘)ラスタート見に行ってきたら、やっぱりヘイテツくんこの中でダントツに身長高い。ちなみに隣はリョウくん😊 さらにユウシ、シオン、ジョンミン、カッショウ、アンダーソンだもんね。 pic.x.com/jVA6tQJLnl
あの人数の洗練された練習生たちそりゃ全員がラスタート後の入社ではないんでしょうから、すっ飛ばしてデビューしてしまったリクデヨンリョウサクヤってやっぱりすごい♥というより、日本拠点グルなんかにこの子らは参加させませんので…… ^^だったんだろうなーの捻くれ思考が優先してしまう(わら)
ラスタート見終えました サクヤとリョウを同じグループとしてデビューさせてくれてありがとうございますSMさん
オリョウとサクヤのlastart時代の写真見返してたんだけど、愛おしすぎて発狂しちゃった〜💖キャワアアアアアアアアアアアーーーーーーーーーーーーーー🥹💫 pic.x.com/AxcqenU0DY
When I look back at Ryo-chan from LASTART, I can't help but think that he resembles Jemin from the Lukiz era more than Longjun. Am I the only one who feels this way? 🐰
The tweet translates to: "I realized Yuushi's love for EXO during lastart... Yuushi finally wanted EXO. It's a shame. But I hope that once Kai is discharged, they can collaborate. Since Ryou was able to meet Doyoung, I really hope Yuushi's dream can come true too."
It feels like I haven't seen Yuushi and Shion-kun's cool dance since Lastart, but they were amazing as expected... By the way, Ryou-kun!!!! When did this happen??? I'm feeling like Urashima Taro.
"I'm seriously crying right now. To the SM casting staff who scouted Ryo-kun, to the SM staff who selected Sakuya-kun through video auditions, and to the BoA producer who allowed the two of them to debut as a team, thank you. Ryo-kun, Sakuya-kun, thank you for being born."
"I'm watching LASTART, and at the beginning, the top 4 get benefits. During the final announcement for 4th and 5th place, Saku-chan and Ryo-kun were still there, and even though they worked hard together on their performance, it was so painful that one of them had to be 5th, and I ended up crying. Ryo-kun said he wants to debut with Sakuya, and I cried even more, but I'm so glad they were able to debut. 😭"
The tweet translates to: "I was watching Youth With You 2 (I like Lu Keran) and the familiar NCT Universe: LASTART. (I was supporting Ryosaku, Yushi, Ryu, and Deyon...) ... Continued → marshmallow-qa.com/messages/4907a… #Let'sThrowMarshmallows"