パク ユンソルさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | ダンス・日本語 |
特技 | マジック・YouTube視聴 |
コメント | 韓国のサバイバルオーディション番組「PRODUCE X 101」にも参加していた。日本語も堪能で、過去にはBTSやHOTSHOTのバックダンサーをつとめた経歴もある実力者。 |
Coming soon ...
まじでパクハと龍太が好きだったなあ G-EGG D team - “Jealousy” Official MV youtu.be/UXEg6g9Ikow?si… @YouTubeより
"I was really hoping for Han Jung Woo to go to the finals because I liked him for being so stoic and he had the talent, so it's a shame he couldn't make itㅠㅠ I was paying attention to Mikuna, knowing he was the younger brother of Park Ha who appeared in Produce 101 and G-EGG, and he really turned out to be a capable kid 👏 I want to see a brother shot with Park Ha. #StarlightBoys #스타라이트보이즈 #スタボ"
"I've been thinking since episode 2 that Kim Junu has an incredible resemblance to Yoon Seol from former NIK, who appeared on PUEK and G-EGG. #PROJECT7 #프로젝트7 #プジェ"
The tweet translates to: "I died from shock that John Woo from Stabo appeared on G-EGG and is the younger brother of Park Ha who debuted in NIK. #HANJEONGWOO #한정우 #ハンジョンウ #StarlightBoys #스타라이트보이즈 #星光闪耀的少年 #スタボ #スターライトボーイズ"
The tweet translates to: "I was looking up Han Jung-woo and came across a supportive post from his older brother 🤭 In G-egg, I was a fan of his older brother Park Ha and Gong Min~"
"I liked it! I was watching gegg! I've liked Yoonseol since the Puek days!! I'm still listening to Santa Monica!!"
"When I watch Pro Tai's Ryuto Iwasaki, it reminds me of Park Ha from G-EGG that I used to watch. I thought it felt familiar, and it turns out it really is Park Ha."
The recently trending cryptocurrency GoodEgg (GEGG) is attracting attention from major investors in Solana (SOL). GoodEgg is a dating cryptocurrency that utilizes AI, and it has received significant investments from Solana holders, bringing about a transformation in the market. [newsbtc.com/altcoin/new-a-…]
The cryptocurrency market is heating up, and experts are predicting a significant price surge for Solana (SOL) and GoodEgg (GEGG) 🔥. Solana is known for its fast transactions and low fees, while GoodEgg is focused on AI dating. newsbtc.com/altcoin/expert…...
The new social scoring system coin, GoodEgg (GEGG), is starting to attract the attention of major investors, commonly known as whales. Meanwhile, Solana (SOL) is facing an increase in on-chain activity and a reduction in fees. Solana (SOL) is... newsbtc.com/altcoin/solana...
The translation of the tweet is: "I liked Yoonseol after Gegg, but after I fell in love, I was told that I look like Minato and I cried. My smartphone recognizes Minato, Yoonseol, and Aien as the same person."
I like the song "Santa Monica" from the Japan-Korea joint survival audition G-EGG, and I think JO1 should try challenging themselves with a Latin-style song like this someday. By the way, Hyunsoo and Yunsol from the Korean group P1Harmony participated in G-EGG, as well as Ryuuta Hayashi, Ryou Mitsui, and Gen Suzuki from the Japan group. youtu.be/A9lpLaYJqD4?si…
G-EGG started in February 2020, and I created this account to support Heedo📣 I remember voting for Heedo, Yunsol, and Gonmin🤭 It's been 4 years since I became a Heedo fan🙋♀️🐈⬛💕 Do you remember the day you signed up for X? #MyXAnniversary #HEEDO #推し活