趣味 | 運動、みんなで遊ぶこと、ショッピング |
特技 | リンボーダンス |
コメント | 愛らしい姿で皆さんを魅了させます。 |
The tweet translates to: "I want to see KJRGL (pronounced: Kajāguru) 🐳🤍 It's a six-member boy group from Korea and Japan that includes finalist Koki Sakamoto from PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2, as well as Hojin and Riku Machida who appeared on BOYS PLANET 💞 #HopeToAppearAtTGC #MynaviTGC"
KJRGL (読み方:カジャーグル)観たいです🐳🤍 PRODUCE101JAPANSEASON2ファイナリスト阪本航紀くんや、ボイプラに出演していたホジンくん町田陸くんがいる日韓6人組ボーイズグループです💞 #TGC出演希望 #マイナビTGC x.com/tgcnews/status…
The tweet translates to: "I want to see KJRGL (pronounced: Kajāguru) 🐳🤍 It's a six-member boy group from Korea and Japan that includes finalist Koki Sakamoto from PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2, as well as Hojin and Riku Machida who appeared on BOYS PLANET 💞 #HopeToAppearAtTGC #MynaviTGC"
The tweet translates to: "I want to see KJRGL (pronounced: Kajāguru) 🐳🤍 It's a six-member boy group from Korea and Japan that includes finalist Koki Sakamoto from PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2, as well as Hojin and Riku Machida who appeared on BOYS PLANET 💞 #HopeToAppearAtTGC #MynaviTGC"
KJRGL (読み方:カジャーグル)観たいです🐳🤍 PRODUCE101JAPANSEASON2ファイナリスト阪本航紀くんや、ボイプラに出演していたホジンくん町田陸くんがいる日韓6人組ボーイズグループです💞 #TGC出演希望 #マイナビTGC x.com/tgcnews/status…
KJRGL (読み方:カジャーグル)観たいです🐳🤍 PRODUCE101JAPANSEASON2ファイナリスト阪本航紀くんや、ボイプラに出演していたホジンくん町田陸くんがいる日韓6人組ボーイズグループです💞 #TGC出演希望 #マイナビTGC x.com/tgcnews/status…
「KJRGL(カジャーグル)」見たいです😌🤍メンバーに足の長さ4mあるRIKUがいますが、今年中にスカイツリーを超える見込みです➰💙ランウェイも歩いてほしい〜〜〜ッ‼️ #TGC出演希望 #マイナビTGC x.com/tgcnews/status…
"I want to see 'KJRGL (Kajarguru)' 😌🤍 One of the members, RIKU, has a leg length of 4m, and is expected to surpass the Tokyo Skytree this year ➰💙 I want him to walk the runway too~~‼️ #HopeToAppearAtTGC #MynaviTGC"
The tweet translates to: "Is there anyone else who keeps seeing ads for Machida Riku's group on TikTok? I haven't liked or searched for anything though ^^;"
The translation of the tweet is: "06 line /Aichi/ENFJ I hope for wonderful encounters ♡ I will welcome you with 𝗈𝗋 ↻ < #MyFavorites> #KJRGL ❥・• #DIEN #RikuMachida #ISSAC #AkiraKawaguchi #GENIC ❥・• #TeiNishizawa #MarinKanaya #YurariUi #ShoAmemiya pic.x.com/qvAXiAl9dE"
06 line /Aichi/ENFJ 素敵な出逢いがありますように ♡ 𝗈𝗋 ↻ でお迎えさせて頂きます < #私の推したち> #KJRGL ❥・• #DIEN #町田陸 #ISSAC #川口明 #GENIC ❥・• #西澤呈 #金谷鞠杏 #宇井優良梨 #雨宮翔 pic.x.com/qvAXiAl9dE
The translation of the tweet is: "Does that mean I was Machida Riku?? (Misleading)"
The tweet translates to: "Machida Riku common trait: Tends to try to communicate based on feelings."
The translation of the tweet is: "The vocabulary here is so much like Machida Riku that I laughed out loud."
The tweet lists various groups and members, along with the number of people in each group. Here’s the translation: "KJRGL 2 people: Riku, Jonghojin XLOV 3 people: Umti, Chengkwanrui, Hal HIGHnLOW 1 person: Park Minseok NouerA 1 person: Han Yusop Hui LE’V 1 person: One Two Hao ONLEE: Lee Seung Hwan NINE.I 3 people: Sowon, Chang Jiho, Winnie CLOSE YOUR EYES 2 people: Margin Shan, Chang Yojun POLARIX 1 person: Lee Dawool"
RIKU fight🥰