シン ジユンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
The translation of the tweet is: "The FP Weekly group honor 20 boxes is done, now I can relax."
The tweet translates to: "Weeekly Colorise Bliss album benefits trading photo cards. Offering image 1, looking for image 2. Different types of exchanges are possible. Priority for bulk exchanges. Sujin, Jiyun, Monday, Sowon, Jehi, Jihan, Zoe." (Note: The link at the end is likely a URL to an image or additional content.)
Weeekly Colorise Bliss アルバム 特典 トレカ 交換 譲 画像1 求 画像2 異種交換可能 まとめて交換優先 スジン ジユン マンデー ソウン ジェヒ ジハン ゾア pic.x.com/JHqOvJ5fX8
ウィークリーミッションでシンツィアきました これで4枚目 あと3枚?必要 pic.x.com/4sZBwbbxkv
ウィークリー討伐 お陰様でザイ1回で削り切れましたー😆 通常スキル使われる前にHP70%切らせる事とがキーポイントだった そこからはWG削って倒し切る! シンさん、編成アドバイスありがとうございました(*・ω・)*_ _) #アウプレ #アウタープレーン pic.x.com/G7kY0O3pVF x.com/outerplane_acc…
最近仕事が忙しいもありますが ゲームも忙しく… ポケモンでは後輩の子の為に色違い厳選中(4体) まおりゅうは新イベやウィークリーの消化 アシュエコはレベル上げ ゼンゼロは雅育成でヒャッハー中 シンネオはギルメン募集や02チャットの復活模索中 さらにネット仲間でモンハン合同 …時間がほしぃ…
The translation of the Japanese tweet text "テンシンエン祈祷会 テンシンウィークリー" to English is "Tenshin En Prayer Meeting Tenshin Weekly."
テンシンエン祈祷会 テンシンウィークリー
Here's the translation of the tweet: "My account mostly has K-pop friends as followers, but TWICE → I have various thoughts and have graduated from being a fan. Weeekly → I graduated from being a fan due to my favorite Ji-yoon's departure. Apink → I'm currently still supporting them, but since there are no comebacks or events in Japan, I haven't had much to post about. 😭"
私のアカウント、フォロワーさん殆どがK-pop仲間なんですが TWICE→色々思うところあってペン卒 Weeekly→推しのジユンちゃん脱退の為ペン卒 Apink→現在進行形で推していますが、カムバや日本での現場がない為あまりポストすることがない状態 です😭
The tweet translates to: "I got Shintia in the weekly mission. This is my fourth one. I need three more?"
Weekly raid: Thanks to everyone, we managed to defeat it in one go! 😆 The key point was getting the HP below 70% before the normal skills were used. From there, we just had to chip away at the WG and finish it off! Shin, thank you for the team composition advice (*・ω・)*_ _) #OuterPlane #OutaPlane pic.x.com/G7kY0O3pVF x.com/outerplane_acc…
"Recently, I've been busy with work, but I'm also busy with games... In Pokémon, I'm currently hunting for shiny Pokémon for my junior (4 Pokémon). In Maoryu, I'm working on the new event and weekly tasks. In Ash Eco, I'm leveling up. In Zen Zero, I'm having a blast training my character. In Shin Neo, I'm looking for guild members and trying to revive the 02 chat. Plus, I'm collaborating with my online friends in Monster Hunter... I wish I had more time..."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Yesterday's various things: I reached Machinist level 50, so I gathered equipment in the解除バハ (解除 Bahamut) and completed the left side. It was easy, but I touched the Phoenix's flame once and died instantly. I didn't take a screenshot 🤪. While doing the GT7 weekly, I downloaded Singularity β."