趣味 | 犬と遊ぶ。ドラマ、映画を見る。 |
特技 | 肩抜き |
Coming soon ...
"I finally watched Zast, which I had planned to see after Nonoga ended. The final stage of the training camp was at Kawaguchiko Stellar Theater, so it brought back memories of Morning Musume's wake-up surprise (which I really like)."
"I've been thinking for a while, but Stella-chan from Nonoga really looks a lot like Kurukuru, lol 🥹"
"I cut my hair into a mini bob, and sometimes I look like Stella-chan from Nonoga, and other times I look like Eriko-san from the Asagaya Sisters."
「No No Girls」候補生3人、TikTokダンスチャレンジ公開に反響「プレイバック組だ」「終わった後も集まってるの嬉しい」 Nakajima STELLA 中嶋星 news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/85c91…
The tweet translates to: "The three candidates from 'No No Girls' received a lot of reactions after releasing their TikTok dance challenge. 'They are from the Playback group' and 'I'm happy they are still gathering even after it's over.' Nakajima STELLA Nakajima Hoshi news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/85c91…"
The tweet translates to: "I love the Nonoga members. Sayaka, Stella, and Yuyu are overwhelmingly in the older sister faction."
The tweet translates to: "Was it Momoka who was cute at Nonoga? During the 4th round, when I gently leaned in and asked Stella, who seemed confused, 'Do you understand?'"
"I'm re-listening to the songs from the 4th round of auditions for Nonoga, and I feel like the teams of ASHA, CHIKA, MAHINA and JISOO, MOMOKA, STELLA have exceptionally good songs."
まじノノガのステラちゃん可愛すぎるしダンス激うまなのにep.16で歌むちゃ上手くなっててずっと気になってる インスタとかやってないのかな、、応援したすぎる
The tweet translates to: "Seriously, Nonoga's Stella-chan is too cute and her dancing is amazing, but in episode 16, she got so much better at singing and I've been really curious about it. I wonder if she has an Instagram or something... I want to support her so much!"
まじでノノガep.16のサヤカとモモとステラまじ魅力が上がってて沸いた 他でまた見れる機会ないかな