イ ソンジュンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
イソンジュンみたいな凛とした棋士観たいなあ😌 #ユチョン
ブランキー・ジェット・シティ C.B.Jim ノリに乗ってる。捨て曲なし!私42才 リフ なにこれ!頭から離れない!歌詞 イかれてる! ソロ コピーしたい 以上のことから、聞かない理由はない! ロック ギター 生きてるうちに聴いとけ!まじ外せないよ。ブランキーはさ! pic.x.com/KN8BhHOYy5
裕ちゃんには男性限定ライブを是非やってほしい!by旦那氏 とのことで、謎の、ブランキー×中田裕二を延々と流す旦那によるDJイベがようやく終わりました😇
ブランキーラス盾カンビアーレをアメイジン抱えててケアしてる。 さっすがー
くろうまブランキー、11月にイルフ童画館で会ってきたが今度は立川で会える!原画を前にするといつも心に滲みる #堀内誠一 の展覧会が東京・プレイ ミュージアムで「ぐるんぱのようちえん」絵本原画や雑誌「anan」集結 fashion-press.net/news/127473 @fashionpressnetより
【記事】オクジュヒョン "私の本気が届く"…ミュージカル「マタハリ」で観客誘惑 m.entertain.naver.com/article/408/00… 前日はイソンジュンさんコンで、インスタには太っ腹に「フランケン」から'男の世界'フルコーラス動画アップされてますが、オクさんマタハリ見たいなあ(TOT) pic.x.com/3GfORRTOrS
"I want to see a dignified shogi player like Isongjun 😌 #Yuchun"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Blankey Jet City C.B. Jim is on fire. No throwaway tracks! I'm 42 years old and this riff—what is this! I can't get it out of my head! The lyrics are insane! I want to cover the solo. Given all this, there's no reason not to listen! Rock guitar—make sure to listen while you're alive! Seriously, you can't miss it. Blankey is the best!"
The tweet translates to: "I really want Yu-chan to hold a male-only live event! According to my husband, the mysterious DJ event featuring endless plays of Blankey × Yuji Nakada by my husband has finally come to an end. 😇"
The tweet translates to: "I'm taking care of the Blankyラス shield Cambiare while holding it in my arms. As expected!"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "[Article] Ok Ju-hyun 'My sincerity will reach you'... Tempting the audience in the musical 'Mata Hari' m.entertain.naver.com/article/408/00… The day before, at Lee Seung-jun's concert, he generously uploaded a full chorus video of 'Men's World' from 'Franken' on Instagram, but I really want to see Ok's Mata Hari (TOT) pic.x.com/3GfORRTOrS"
"I went to see the story of Blankey, and the first half about Tatsuya Nakamura's band history is amazing... I was wondering when he first picked up the sticks, and at first, I thought the part about KISS was a bit strange, which was interesting. The episode about Junior is also funny. So that's what the reunion is about~~ youtu.be/ze4P_Qsl4d0?si…"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Blankey Jet City C.B. Jim is on fire. No throwaway tracks! I'm 42 years old. What is this riff?! It won't leave my head! The lyrics are insane! I want to cover the solo. Based on all this, there's no reason not to listen! Rock guitar, you should listen while you're alive! Seriously, you can't miss it. Blankey is the best!"
Here it is! I don't know much about Oasis or Blankey, but I went because everyone was there!! It's great that at daytime events you can keep partying like this 🤣 I don't even know how much I've drunk, and it's still this early? So wholesome~!! pic.x.com/10ctLPVOxi
【Article】Ok Ju-hyun, in a dress like a human peach ‥ Height difference with 183 cm Kim Seong-sik. m.entertain.naver.com/article/609/00… I wish I could have seen the duet between Lee Seung-joon’s 'Brandon Lee Musical Symphony Concert' (TOT). I found a video of the greeting part, so I'll borrow it~ m.youtube.com/watch?v=dCjgXv… pic.x.com/GWISuhLNjj