イ ソンジュンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
ブランキー・ジェット・シティ C.B.Jim ノリに乗ってる。捨て曲なし!私42才 リフ なにこれ!頭から離れない!歌詞 イかれてる! ソロ コピーしたい 以上のことから、聞かない理由はない! ロック ギター 生きてるうちに聴いとけ!まじ外せないよ。ブランキーはさ! pic.x.com/UlUU3C32ls
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Blankey Jet City C.B. Jim is on fire. No throwaway tracks! I'm 42 years old. What is this riff?! It won't leave my head! The lyrics are insane! I want to cover the solo. Given all this, there's no reason not to listen! Rock guitar, you should listen while you're alive! Seriously, you can't miss it. Blankey is the best!"
ブランキー・ジェット・シティ C.B.Jim ノリに乗ってる。捨て曲なし!私42才 リフ なにこれ!頭から離れない!歌詞 イかれてる! ソロ コピーしたい 以上のことから、聞かない理由はない! ロック ギター 生きてるうちに聴いとけ!まじ外せないよ。ブランキーはさ! pic.x.com/y5HuDRZdAM
The tweet translates to: "Blankey Jet City C.B. Jim is on fire. No throwaway tracks! I'm 42 years old and this riff, what is this! I can't get it out of my head! The lyrics are insane! I want to cover the solo. Based on all this, there's no reason not to listen! Rock guitar, you should listen to it while you're alive! Seriously, you can't miss it. Blankey is amazing!" (Note: The URL at the end is likely a link to an image or video related to the tweet.)
李圣浚はとーーーっても可愛いです‼️‼️ #StarlightBoys #shengjun #leshengjun #イソンジュン #星光闪耀的少年 pic.x.com/3OAvsvnT7Q
The translation of the tweet is: "Lee Seung-jun is soooo cute‼️‼️ #StarlightBoys #shengjun #leshengjun #イソンジュン #星光闪耀的少年"
会社がsnsに送った写真です📸😭 #LISHENGJUN #李圣浚 #イソンジュン #starlightboys #星光闪耀的少年 #스타라이트보이즈 pic.x.com/a44EgtKLEG
The tweet translates to: "This is a photo sent by the company to SNS 📸😭 #LISHENGJUN #李圣浚 #イソンジュン #starlightboys #星光闪耀的少年 #스타라이트보이즈 pic.x.com/a44EgtKLEG"
マーキー兄さん、今夜もお疲れ様でした。 ちょうど聴いていない時に、ブランキーの「浅井タンバリン?」、いえいえ「赤いタンバリン」がかかったんですね。 聴きたかったので、あとで聞きます。 今夜もありがとうございました。 イバイバーーイ。😃 #MMM765
"Marquee brother, thank you for your hard work tonight. Just when I wasn't listening, Blankey's 'Asai Tambourine?' No, no, it was 'Red Tambourine' that played, right? I wanted to hear it, so I'll listen to it later. Thank you again for tonight. Bye-bye! 😃 #MMM765"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Blankey Jet City - C.B. Jim is on fire. No throwaway tracks! I'm 42 years old and this riff, what is this! I can't get it out of my head! The lyrics are insane! I want to cover the solo. Given all of this, there's no reason not to listen! Rock guitar, you should listen while you're alive! Seriously, you can't miss it. Blankey is the best!"
The translation of the tweet is as follows: "What’s with this and that, that’s not rock at all. Why can’t you understand the greatness of Blankey? You all are idiots, completely clueless, with no sense at all. I feel like all the frustration I had towards society and the media is coming back, and it’s painful, lol. It’s embarrassing, so please let me transform this feeling now, lol. Oh no, not again, lol. Just youthful folly."
The tweet translates to: "Blankey Jet City C.B. Jim is on fire. No throwaway tracks! I'm 42 years old and this riff—what is this! I can't get it out of my head! The lyrics are insane! I want to cover the solo. Given all this, there's no reason not to listen! Rock guitar—make sure to listen while you're alive! Seriously, you can't miss it. Blankey is the best!" (Note: The link at the end appears to be an image link and is not translated.)
The tweet translates to: "Past events, Hifumin reads Dazai and Tolstoy...? Even though Mercury is in retrograde... But it's a choice that fits Hifumin's preferences as a Gemini with Venus in Virgo and Moon in Virgo. *Dazai was born on June 19, so his Sun is in Gemini. And the book that Sensei wants to read is by Blankey. Both Sensei and Benji are Capricorns. Is Ealby-kun making it while looking at the chart...?"
The tweet translates to: "Blankey Jet City C.B. Jim is on fire. No throwaway tracks! I'm 42 years old. What is this riff?! It won't leave my head! The lyrics are insane! I want to cover the solo. Given all this, there's no reason not to listen! Rock guitar, you should listen while you're alive! Seriously, you can't miss it. Blankey is the best!" (Note: The link at the end appears to be an image link and is not translated.)