The translation of the tweet is: "20180813 UP10TION Sonyuul Kogyeol #UP10TION #업텐션 pic.x.com/J1Dh7njR78" (Note: The text includes names and hashtags, which are typically not translated.)
20180813 up10tion ソニュル コギョル #UP10TION #업텐션 pic.x.com/J1Dh7njR78
The translation of the tweet is: "20171123 up10tion ♪ In the dream Lee Jin Hyuk, Fan, Dong Yeol, Sun Youl #UP10TION #업텐션 #이진혁 #LEEJINHYUK #イジニョク #선율 #SUNYOUL #ソニュル #이환희 #환희 #イファニ #ファニ #LEEHWANHEE #이동열 #동열 #イドンヨル #ドンヨル #LEEDONGYEOL" (Note: The link at the end is not translated as it appears to be a URL.)
20171123 up10tion ♪ In the dream イジニョク ファニ ドンヨル ソニュル #UP10TION #업텐션 #이진혁 #LEEJINHYUK #イジニョク #선율 #SUNYOUL #ソニュル #이환희 #환희 #イファニ #ファニ #LEEHWANHEE #이동열 #동열 #イドンヨル #ドンヨル #LEEDONGYEOL pic.x.com/2JMn00ZSJW
The tweet translates to: "20171123 up10tion Lee Jin-hyuk, Fani, Dong-yeol, Sun-yul #UP10TION #업텐션 #이진혁 #LEEJINHYUK #イジニョク #선율 #SUNYOUL #ソニュル #이환희 #환희 #イファニ #ファニ #LEEHWANHEE #이동열 #동열 #イドンヨル #ドンヨル #LEEDONGYEOL pic.x.com/5b70S3unZ8" (Note: The text primarily consists of names and hashtags related to the K-pop group UP10TION.)
20171123 up10tion イジニョク ファニ ドンヨル ソニュル #UP10TION #업텐션 #이진혁 #LEEJINHYUK #イジニョク #선율 #SUNYOUL #ソニュル #이환희 #환희 #イファニ #ファニ #LEEHWANHEE #이동열 #동열 #イドンヨル #ドンヨル #LEEDONGYEOL pic.x.com/5b70S3unZ8
U10TV ep 111 - UP10TION's Get 'UP' beauty youtu.be/DWAwk4Vafew?si… @YouTube This video with Kun, Bitto, and Sunyoul is so funny no matter how many times I watch it 😆 Sunyoul's face isn't shown much because he's filming, but Kun and Bitto's faces are beautiful✨ I want to meet UP10TION 🫶 #up10tion #업텐션 #선율 #쿤 #비토 #노수일
U10TV ep 111 - 업텐션의 Get 'UP' beauty youtu.be/DWAwk4Vafew?si… @YouTubeより クン、ビト、ソニュルのこの動画、何回見ても面白い😆ソニュちゃんは撮影してるから顔があまり映ってないんだけどクンさんとビトちゃんのお顔がキレイ✨オプテに会いたい🫶#up10tion #업텐션 #선율 #쿤 #비토 #노수일
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "[SUNYOUL’LIVE] An Ye-eun - Sangsa-hwa [Cover by UP10TION SUNYOUL] youtu.be/iQTwsWcK4-0?si… @YouTube I love the world that Sunyoul creates 🐰 I also reread Sunyoul's comments ☺️ The light, beautiful colors of the hanbok suit him well. There’s a strength within the fragility, and Sunyoul is the best 🫶 #선율 #ソニュル #업텐션"
[SUNYOUL’IVE] 안예은 - 상사화 [Cover by 업텐션 선율 (UP10TION SUNYOUL)] youtu.be/iQTwsWcK4-0?si… @YouTubeより ソニュちゃんの世界観たっぷりで大好き🐰ソニュちゃんのコメントも読み直してみた☺️淡い綺麗な色の韓服が似合う。儚い中に強さもあってソニュちゃん最高🫶#선율 #ソニュル #업텐션
The tweet translates to: "The song I've listened to the most this year is 'Opt' but in reality, it's actually 'Sonyeol's' song. I've really been listening to it non-stop. Thank you, Build Up! I'm sharing my #YouTubeMusicRecap for 2024! Check yours at yt.be/music/Recap."
The tweet translates to: "Sonnyu-chan said to review, so I'm really reviewing 😉 I will continue to focus only on Seonyul 🐰 Up10tion is the best 👍 I'm listening to a lot of Up10tion songs today. They only have masterpieces 🫶 #Up10tion #Seonyul #ソニュル youtu.be/aMU7O9_6O7s?si…"
The tweet translates to: "The part of Son Yul from Masked Singer has been uploaded!!! [Masked Singer] So Chan-whee's 'Tears' sung in the original key by the surprising man 😮 Up10tion's Seon Yul 🐰 singing 'With You' and 'That Guy' | #SeonYul #Up10tion MBC... youtu.be/G_lZQA48vgk?si…"
"I updated my Ameblo. 'Episode 234 aired on 2024-11-10 and 17 (472nd and 473rd episodes) UP10TION's Sunyoul' #MaskedSinger #복면가왕 ameblo.jp/snowy-dog/entr…"
The tweet translates to: "Identity reveal (正体公開) 'Are you T?' (君はTか?) This person is! Sunyoul from UP10TION (re-challenge) #MaskedSinger #복면가왕 zul.im/0OdSTX pic.x.com/47fCk7w6K7"