Coming soon ...
news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/e2c21… 覚醒剤、コカイン、大麻、MDMAと総合薬局かよ。営利も認めてるから重いし、追徴金も大きいだろうね。知らんけど。しかし、香川にうどん以外のドラッグがあるとは知らなかったよ。 香川 違法薬物 逮捕 起訴 萱原浩太被告 多田亮太容疑者 pic.x.com/Ov9uLcqsm9
The tweet translates to: "Is it a comprehensive pharmacy for stimulants, cocaine, marijuana, and MDMA? Since they recognize profit, the penalties are severe, and the additional charges will likely be significant too. I don't know, though. However, I didn't know there were drugs other than udon in Kagawa. Kagawa, illegal drugs, arrest, indictment, defendant Kota Kayahara, suspect Ryota Tada." (Note: The link and image reference are not translated as they are not part of the text.)