ツジイ リョウマさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
今日のチェンユとジンくんのインスタライブで名前が出た練習生⬇️ アティラ(結構高頻度) ビンファ イジフン ツジイリョウマ ケンシン アベユラ 聴き逃してるかもしれないので他にいたら教えてください😭😭
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Today during the Instagram live with Chen Yu and Jin, the following trainees were mentioned⬇️ Atira (quite frequently) Binfa Lee Ji-hoon Tsuji Ryouma Kenshin Abe Yura If I missed anyone, please let me know 😭😭"
The translation of the tweet is: "Tsuji Ryouma was alive."
Here is the translation of the tweet text to English: "List of Japanese people (Chikawa) that Uchenyu has captured: - Manabe Jin (auditioned together) - Sakurada Kenshin (matching Chikawa) - Fukuyama Souta (favorite) - Andy (favorite) - Obayashi Yusei (Deja vu together) - Tsujii Ryoma (P5 together) - Abe Yura (dance school together) - Ayalon Adam (P5 together)"
The tweet translates to: "I've been rewatching Puella Magi from the beginning, and I really love Ryoma."
"I finished watching up to episode 6 of Puje, but it's a bit disappointing because among the Japanese, Tsujii Ryoma has the face I like the most."
The tweet translates to: "Tsujii Ryoma-kun is watching a lot of new followers' stories, and it's super cute!"
The translation of the tweet is: "Now that Tsujii Ryoma is gone, this is it. I can no longer have Minuku."
"I just finished watching episode 3 of Puje, and I thought Tsujii Ryoma has a nice face, but it seems like he's already dropped out, which surprised me."
The translation of the tweet is: "I seriously won't forgive Tsujii Ryouma for dropping Noyuru."
The tweet translates to: "Did Noyuru-kun and Tsujii Ryoma-kun fall out? 🥲🥲"
Here is the translation of the tweet text to English: "85th place: Tsujii Ryoma 🇯🇵 84th place: Kim Si-yul 83rd place: Kim Yoon-soo 82nd place: Ko Min-sung 81st place: Kim Seong-jun 80th place: Kang Hee-min 79th place: Kim Min-jun 78th place: Kim Tae-sung 77th place: Kim Da-nu 76th place: Kim Woo-no 75th place: Chang Gyeong-yong 74th place: Lin Wei-chung 73rd place: Yang Joo-ho 72nd place: Yoo Hyun-seung 71st place: Lee Yoo-jun"
The translation of the tweet text is as follows: "Dance (1) Crump (?) #Cominson #KimHyunWoo #KangWonSeok #InoYul (2) Break #RinRin #ChunDoonHaeSeul #KimDaNu #ImHyunWoo (3) #AbeYura #KimJiMin #ChangGyeongYeon #OhSeungChan (4) Fast forward #YooHyunSeung #TsujiRyoMa" (Note: The hashtag "コミンソン" is transliterated as "Cominson," and the rest of the names are also transliterated from Japanese to English.)
【PROJECT 7】1R Position Match View Count Ranking 🎉✨✨ Latest Ranking 👇👇👇 kpopjuice.com/project7/video… 41st #KimJiMin #Jimin 42nd #OhTaeHwan #OhTaeHwan 43rd #SeoJinWon #SeoJinWon 44th #TsujiiRyoma #TsujiiRyoma 45th #JEONGDEUNHAESOL #JEONGDEUNHAESOL 46th #ShinJaeWon… pic.x.com/h3GS1zzQXH