趣味 | 作曲、旅行、ジム、美術館巡り、ライブ鑑賞 |
特技 | BLACKPINKの振り付けマスター |
コメント | 輝くステージでお返ししたいです。 |
Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "I've seen what was said about Minjun in 'Boys Planet' that led to him being removed from the center position, so even though the words directed at Yinghao are still unverified, I think it's definitely possible. The rejection of femininity in men within K-POP is a product of the violence of conscription, but that's only part of the issue."
ボイプラで南钧がなんて言われてセンター降ろされたか見てるから滢皓に向けられたとされる言葉もまだ真偽不明とはいえ余裕で有り得ると思う K-POPという場所で男性がフェミニンであることへの拒否感は兵役という国家の暴力による産物でもあるがそれは一部にしか過ぎないんだから
The tweet translates to: "This is Wang Yanhong from the Asian Superstars group in BOY PLAN❣️ I became a hot topic✨ I was really frustrated that I couldn't find that face and ended up falling behind 😤 #mond_wo_shi_kobichan mond.how/ja/topics/td4c…"
ボイプラ、亞洲超星團出身の王颜宏(わんいぇんほん)です❣️HOTで話題になりました✨あの顔面が見つからずに落ちてしまったの悔しかったです😤 #mond_wo_shi_kobichan mond.how/ja/topics/td4c…
ワンズハオのワンワン王國🐶(ださ)みたいなんやろ。一生見れる。 [BOYS PLANET(ボイプラ)] ワンジーハオに投票しました!総得票数:76,150票 kpopjuice.com/member/wang_zi… #ワンジーハオ #WANGZIHAO #BOYSPLANET #KPOPJUICE
The tweet translates to: "The Asian Super Star Group, which no one was watching, had a mysterious server number and the only highlight was the hair and makeup (Ollie from Boys Planet and Wang Kun from Star Boy were there 🫶🏻)."
亚洲超星团とかいう誰も見てなかった乐华大癒着謎鯖番、ヘアメだけは最高だった (ボイプラのオリーとスタボの王坤が出てました🫶🏻)
ユニバースリーグも1話観た ウンギボーイ、分かりやすいなぁと… TO1闇深過ぎると思ったわ でもあんな確執というか、険悪なのかよって シュアイボ相変わらずリアクション王だしイケメンだしデビューして欲しい ボイプラ勢がんばれ…! 後ダイスケくん逸材
"I vote for the three of them every day and I like them, but I was crazy about Yang Haoming, Wang Nanjun, and Chen Junhao from Blue 3, so I haven't really watched any sub-content that doesn't feature these three. It's been a series of 'I didn't know this existed!'"
The translation of the tweet is: "Gyubin, the action king, makes a comeback with the member announcement at the Boipura final 🥰 x.com/gyuvinnnche/st…"
ボイプラファイナルでのメンバー発表アクション王再来なギュビン🥰 x.com/gyuvinnnche/st…
The tweet translates to: "Soma Yamaki looks a lot like Hart from the Voice Project. I really love Minou."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Margin Chan, Se-yoon, and Yo-jun, who were also popular in 'Voice Planet,' are here, and from Sopan, Min-so, Han-bin, Hyun-woo, and Seok-hee are working hard again, and I'm happy to see their growth. My favorite is Kyung-be, the lonely dance king who practiced only at home, haha." abema.app/hpCE
The tweet translates to: "I want to cherish the 180 cm tall, 23-year-old man who calls himself 'Little King' more than anything in the universe. I voted for Wang Zihao in [BOYS PLANET]! Total votes: 71,976 votes. #WangZiHao #WANGZIHAO #BOYSPLANET #KPOPJUICE"