Coming soon ...
Announcement of the away match against Niigata🔥 Thiago makes his first start👏 In a 4-1-2-3 formation, Atyo as the defensive midfielder, Souta and Bueno as attacking midfielders, left Thiago, right Lucas, and up front is Mokkun. I'm looking forward to goals from Souta and Thiago✨ I want to win today and break the losing streak🥺 Let's get 3 points in Niigata and make the cherry blossoms bloom🌸 #CerezoOsaka #AlbirexNiigata x.com/crz_official/s…
アウェイ新潟戦メンバー発表🔥 チアゴ選手初スタメン👏 4-1-2-3のフォーメーションであちょボランチ、颯太、ブエノトップ下左チアゴ右ルーカスワントップはもっくん。 期待は颯太とチアゴのゴール✨ 今日勝って連敗脱出したい🥺 新潟で勝ち点3獲得桜満開だ🌸 #セレッソ大阪 #アルビレックス新潟 x.com/crz_official/s…
STRAWBERRY MUSIC FESTIVAL日本でやるの??出演者これでお願いします🙏 威神V、ゼベワン、時代少年団、LE'V 、IXFORM(再結成で) 、A2O MAY、スタボ&CHUANG ASIA2&プジェ&ユニリグの練習生全員による特別ステージ
The tweet translates to: "Is the STRAWBERRY MUSIC FESTIVAL happening in Japan?? Please have these performers 🙏: WayV, ZB1, ENHYPEN, LE'V, IXFORM (reunion), A2O MAY, a special stage by all trainees from STABO & CHUANG ASIA2 & Pujé & UNILIG."
CHUANG ASIA2たまーにYouTubeで流れてくる映像見てるくらいだけど、xiongくんが角度によってはちょっとワンクンに似てて気になる。パフォーマンスが指先まで美しいところも! pic.x.com/KWeYlnPF3H
The tweet translates to: "I occasionally watch videos that come up on YouTube about CHUANG ASIA2, but I'm curious because xiong-kun looks a bit like Wankun from certain angles. His performance is beautiful down to his fingertips too!"