ヤマグチ サトシさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
プジェ練習生活動情報メモ📝 #PROJECT7 #프로젝트7 2月 12日ARrC(アンディー)カムバ 3月 20日Fantasy boysカムバ 【3月?4月?】Close your eyes デビュー 4月 SWEET:CH デビュー(ジン、ワンソク、サトシ) 5月 Fantasy boys×BAE173 未定 UNNAME(ウハジュン) 事務所所属 ジュンウォン ジウン?
Happy BirthDay #Satoshi🎉🎉 #ヤマグチサトシ さん、誕生日おめでとうございます✨✨ ヤマグチサトシさんは22歳になります😘 kpopjuice.com/member/yamaguc… #Happy_Satoshi_day #HappySatoshiday #PROJECT7
Happy Birthday #Satoshi🎉🎉 Mr. Yamaguchi Satoshi, congratulations on your birthday✨✨ Mr. Yamaguchi Satoshi is turning 22 years old😘 kpopjuice.com/member/yamaguc… #Happy_Satoshi_day #HappySatoshiday #PROJECT7
ヤマグチサトシ号に貼るステッカー 日本語を貼るか… pic.x.com/TCHO8vLLqI
The translation of the tweet is: "Sticker to put on the Yamaguchi Satoshi vehicle. Should I put on Japanese?"
The translation of the tweet is: "I'm making the Yamaguchi Satoshi model and laughing out loud."
The tweet translates to: "There were a lot of good-looking people like Yonghyun, Ayalon Adam, and Yamaguchi Satoshi, but I overwhelmingly think that Rinrin has the strongest face. The character is strong, and the talent is strong too."
The tweet translates to: "@_ 03/kanto Yamaguchi Satoshi🏐❤️🔥 I’m currently a ghost waiting for the debut of Puje (^т ̫ т^) Please respond to the source✧ #IWantToConnectWithPeopleWatchingPROJECT7 #IWantToConnectWithPeopleWhoLikePROJECT7 #IWantToConnectWithPeopleWhoLikePuje x.com/mya_vvs/status…"
"I'm watching the final episode of Pujé, hoping Satoshi would show up, but not only is Satoshi not here, even the trainees aren't appearing. What is this?"
The translation of the tweet text is: "@shonanemo Long live the Yamaguchi Satoshi!"
"I seriously just stopped by for a bathroom break, but the moment I arrived at Daikoku PA, it was closed, and I'm crying. I mean, I parked in such a bad spot:;(∩´﹏`∩);: There are scary people gathering next to the Yamauchi Satoshi car."
✨PROJECT 7✨ 【12/10】Popularity Vote Ranking 21st place: #YamaguchiSatoshi (↑21) 22nd place: #PanAtira (↓5) 23rd place: #Mujin (↑8) 24th place: #Sokyungbae (↑12) 25th place: #NamJiwoon (↑5) kpopjuice.com/member/yamaguc… #PROJECT7 #프로젝트7 #プロジェクト7 #プジェ
The translation of the tweet is: "Yamaguchi Satoshi-kun... where are you now and what are you doing... Are you working towards your dreams... I look forward to the day when I can see you again... Sincerely."
✨PROJECT 7✨ 【12/2】Popularity Vote Ranking 21st place #NamJiEun (↑11) 22nd place #KimSeongMin (↑2) 22nd place #MuJin (↓3) 22nd place #BinHa (↓7) 25th place #YamaguchiSatoshi (↑17) kpopjuice.com/member/nam_ji_… #PROJECT7 #프로젝트7 #プロジェクト7 #プジェ
"Please give me the Instagram of Ayalon Adam and Yamaguchi Satoshi."