하우 주호 fight!
Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "In response to the question 'Who is your closest trainee in the practice room?' during Yanwu's live stream, they answered Jimin, Ichen hyung, and Jinshan!"
"I started to pay less attention to Puje and Stabo as the second half went on, but now that the final episode is over, I'm spending my days searching for videos. 🙂 I was supporting these six: Ihanbin, Nam Ji Eun, Woo Ha Jun, Kim Hyun Woo from Puje, and Si Ron, Jia Yang from Stabo. None of them were able to debut, and I've realized their significance only after they disappeared."
"2024 Salon Show Paris Recap ②🇫🇷 With the chefs who attended through booth exhibitions, seminars, and help 💡 Mr. Hugues Pujol and Brandon (Baumanier) exhibited again this year 🥰 Mr. Jan Blis and Mr. Adan also seemed to be doing well 😄 Angelo's (Plaza Athénée) demo was great~ 🥳 With Ikakoen too ☺️"
"I want to meet Kansuke and Inhao again— I wonder if we can meet somewhere again? 😭ᩚ🥺ᩚ🥹ᩚ Since Jiayan isn't here, only Xiaozhufeng could come. With Puje and Stabo, it feels like a frustrating ending, damn it. 😤"
私は、凛としてる人か、雰囲気の柔らか〜い性格の良い人か、周りを引っ張っていく情熱のある犬っぽい人が好きになりやすいということが分かった。😂 ので、創造営Asiaではどうなるか気になる。 プジェだと、気になった人が軒並み犬っぽいと言われてて笑った…クォンヤンウくんも好きだった…🐶🥲
"I've realized that I tend to like people who are dignified, those with a soft and gentle personality, or passionate, dog-like people who lead those around them. 😂 So, I'm curious about how it will be in 'Creativity Asia.' I laughed when I heard that the people I was interested in were all described as dog-like... I also liked Kwon Young-woo... 🐶🥲"
"Wait, no, I just remembered I didn't call. Yangwoo was lying down with his head on my shoulder. I got to see the business cards Yangwoo has received so far (the cover of the business card folder is Himeji Castle), and I was asking him questions like who he voted for in the election (apparently he didn't). His way of speaking is too sweet, it's making me feel overwhelmed. End."
The translation of the Japanese tweet "ヤンウのプジェメン愛好き" to English is "I love Yangwoo's love for Pujemen."
イチェンとヤンウ、クソ仲良しで笑うwww プジェの時の若干気まずそうな雰囲気はマジなんやったんやwww
2024のサバ番推し たくさんあったなー I-LAND2 ココユジュセビ ロトゥキン2 8TURN SCOOL王學駿 プジェ シフンミンソヨジュンアティラ スタボ ハンギョルヒカリジアヤン ユニリ パクハン
The tweet translates to: "There were so many favorites for the survival shows in 2024! I-LAND 2, Koko, Yuju, Sevi, Rotoo, Kin 2, 8TURN, SCOOL, Wang Gak Jun, Puje, Shihun, Minso, Yojun, Atira, Stabo, Hangyul, Hikari, Jiyang, Uniri, Park Han."
The translation of the tweet is: "I'm still savoring this, but was it Jiayan-kun? When we were at KMGA, everyone was saying how mature Puja looked, and I was like... Seeing this, I can only think 'of course' and I really love it."
The tweet translates to: "Yanwu from the Pujefinal is just too handsome 😭😭 I'm so grateful that he posts on Instagram."
JUHO 番組がんばってね