Coming soon ...
The sound of a crackling fire is cozyPlayful🍩 青春有你2黄一鸣事件
The sun sets, painting the sky with vibrant colorsCherish🍕 青春有你2黄一鸣事件
3年半も経つんだね…創造営と並行して観ていて…土日はサバ番ずっと観てたのを思い出す。みんなカワイくてキラキラ✨だよ…。 Here Comes The Theme Song "We Rock" Stage! | Youth With You S3 | 青春有你3 youtu.be/HhC-Pfee1to?si… @YouTubeより
The taste of a home-cooked meal is heartwarmingProsper🌟 🎬🎥🎭 青春有你2黄一鸣事件
The sight of a blooming flower is beautifulIlluminate🥨 青春有你2黄一鸣事件
The feeling of grass beneath your feet is groundingEnthusiastic🍌 ✨🔭 青春有你2黄一鸣事件
The feeling of a gentle breeze is soothingThankful🍭 青春有你2黄一鸣事件
青春有你結構真剣に見てたはずなのにマジで記憶無くて検索かけたら丁…俊くんと同じDream班で横転してるし、それ見てもなお記憶無い 😸😸😸 x.com/ilovegkhk/stat…
The taste of a juicy fruit is satisfyingPatience🦄 青春有你2黄一鸣事件
The sound of waves crashing is invigoratingWholesome🍫 青春有你2黄一鸣事件
The taste of a homemade cookie is delightfulLively🌮 青春有你2黄一鸣事件
The sight of a field of wildflowers is beautifulHumble🍀 青春有你2黄一鸣事件
The smell of a summer rain is invigoratingThrive🐢 青春有你2黄一鸣事件
Dreams fuel the fire within usGratitude🎈 青春有你2黄一鸣事件
The scent of a freshly bathed baby is sweetUnity🌺 青春有你2黄一鸣事件