Coming soon ...
"Even though it's a bit late, Yojin's birthday was really great~. I wonder what will happen to the group in the future, and I want to see them active as LOONA again."
こういう片付いてる部屋みたいな顔本当に好きnctチソンとかloonaヨジンとか x.com/_pindakun/stat…
The translation of the tweet is: "I really like faces that look like tidy rooms, like NCT Jisung and LOONA YeoJin."
"I was also a fan of LOONA's Yojin, so I think I must like this type of girl."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "A summary of LOONA lookalikes around Masako. The tone of voice and speaking style are quite similar to Kim Hyun Jin's classmate. The face is somewhat similar to Hasul's, and she's also a relative of the 97 line. She is the same height as Yojin (149 cm) and is a part-time colleague."
まさこの周りのLOONAそっくりさんまとめ 声のトーンと喋り方がかなりキムヒョンジンの同級生 顔が若干ハスル似で同じく97ラインの親戚のお姉ちゃん 身長だけヨジンと一緒(149cm)のバイト同僚
ヨジンがマシロ応援でMADEIN新曲をストーリーに上げてOrreryとかLOONA Scheduleとかの大手垢がそれポストしたら、ボイコット勢がMADEINボイコット中だからすぐ消せとか詰めかけて大手垢もすぐ削除して無かった事になってるの思考回路が違いすぎて頭痛い… pic.x.com/RZJkBuFSet
The tweet translates to: "When Yojin posted a new song by MADEIN in support of Mashiro on her story, and then major accounts like Orrery and LOONA Schedule shared it, the boycott group, which is currently boycotting MADEIN, immediately pressured them to delete it, and the major accounts quickly removed it, making it as if it never happened. The way they think is so different that it gives me a headache..."
よっしぃの推しでオレンジ担当の子 チョユリ(IZ*ONE) ヨジン(LOONA) 赤家野アン(×純文学少女歌劇団) 川本笑瑠(CUTIE STREET) リズ(IVE) ソハ(SAY MY NAME) シオン(Geenius) ジヨン(TripleS) 長山ちゆり(福を架ける少女)←NEW
ヨジンがLOONAのフォトグラファーだったムグンさんと作品を制作 🐻「写真家のムグンさんが韓服のわたしの写真を見て「妖精みたいだ」って!本当だから!自分で言ったわけじゃないよ。で、一緒に可愛い作品つくることになった。楽しみにしてて。ムグンさんとは息ぴったりなんだ」 pic.x.com/qzXyORn6jd
Yojin created a work with Mugun, who was LOONA's photographer. 🐻 "Photographer Mugun saw my photo in hanbok and said, 'You look like a fairy!' It's true! I didn't say it myself. So, we decided to create something cute together. Look forward to it. Mugun and I are in perfect sync." pic.x.com/qzXyORn6jd
LOONA Loossemble ヨジン pic.x.com/CJS5HIX8Jm
The tweet translates to: "LOONA Loossemble Yojin" followed by a link to an image.
"Today marks the 8th anniversary of Yojin's 'Kiss Later,' which is also a hidden masterpiece by MonoTree's fan-hyun. The music video, inspired by the Brothers Grimm fairy tale 'The Frog Prince,' is an outstanding work by Digipedi. Yojin debuted as the youngest member of LOONA in middle school, and she has been running as an idol for 8 years now. It's been a long journey together."
I love YeoJin so much.. she’s the 5th gen it girl for a reason , everyone loves her! She’s so sweet to C.Loo and Orbit and shes my fav idol and comfort person.. I went to a LOOSSEMBLE concert and she interacted with me so kindly that I nearly cried 😭 instead of saying ily as in “I love you” I use it as “I love Yeojin”