パク ユリさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
パクユリムがパーマかけて宇宙一可愛くなってる pic.x.com/QvyeykVtoF
女優パク・ユリム/映画『ドライブ・マイ・カー』 ⇒ ameblo.jp/cinemaclassic/… #映画好き #女優 #女優志願 #女優志望 #美女 #おすすめ映画 #エレガンス #韓国女優 #ドライブマイカー #ドライヴマイカー #パクユリム #ParkYurim #koreanbeauty #ParkYooRim #박유림 pic.x.com/ogvsj16i5n
『奇跡の兄弟』 2023年/出演: チョンウ、ペ・ヒョンソン、パク・ユリム、オ・マンソク タイムトラベルものは韓国ドラマの得意分野。ファンタジーはどうしても幼稚な感じになってしまいがち。もちろんありえねー話ですが、これはかなり面白かった。プロットも入り組んでいて予想できない展開でした。 pic.x.com/BInrF5uc1D
さっき、プジェに出ていたゆらくん・コタロウちゃんのいるグループのインスタ発見して見ていたら、どこかで見たことある子がいるのね👀‼️ よくよく見たら、青春スターでドハちゃんと一緒にステージに出ていたり、少年ファンタジーにも出ていたパクミングンくんだと分かり、ちょっとびっくりしてる💦
Earlier, I discovered the Instagram of the group that Yura-kun and Kotaro-chan from the show "Puje" are in, and I noticed a kid I’ve seen somewhere before 👀‼️ Upon closer inspection, I realized it was Park Mingun-kun, who had performed on stage with Dohwa-chan in "Seishun Star" and also appeared in "Shonen Fantasy," and I was a bit surprised 💦
"Drive My Car International Version Hidetoshi Nishijima / Toko Miura / Reika Kirishima / Yulim Park / Dae-Young Jin / Sonia Yuan / Anne Fite / Perry Dizon / Satoko Abe / Masaki Okada Catch-up streaming available for unlimited viewing at 550 yen per month 💫 PR 30-day free trial 👇al.dmm.com/?lurl=https://…"
ドライブ・マイ・カー インターナショナル版 西島秀俊/三浦透子/霧島れいか/パク・ユリム/ジン・デヨン/ソニア・ユアン/アン・フィテ/ペリー・ディゾン/安部聡子/岡田将生 見逃し配信も 月額550円で見放題💫 PR 30日間無料お試し 👇al.dmm.com/?lurl=https://…
青春スター。n.SSign。 カズタ、パクヒョン、ハンジュン、ナム ユジュ推し。 ミューバンで1位とれたね。おめでとう!! I-LAND2:N/a。izna。 青春スターにでてたユジュが参加ってことで見ようと。 ユジュに対する意味不明な扱いが突然起こる。 最後まで笑顔のユジュを見届けた。 デビュー待ってるよ。
Youth Star. n.SSign. Kazuta, Park Hyun, Han Jun, and Nam Yujoo are my favorites. They got first place on Music Bank. Congratulations!! I-LAND2: N/a. izna. I decided to watch because Yujoo, who was on Youth Star, is participating. Suddenly, there was some inexplicable treatment towards Yujoo. I witnessed Yujoo smiling until the end. I'm waiting for your debut.
The translation of the tweet is: "Seeing Son Heung-min smile is truly, truly adorable 🥺💖 So cute 😮💨🤍🤍🤍 Please keep smiling a lot 🥹︎💕︎💕︎💕︎💕︎💕︎💕︎💕︎ by Park Yuri pic.x.com/Hl1OL4yuuk"
"I was rewatching 'Imitation' during the year-end and New Year holidays, and I couldn't help but think that Park Yuri, who plays the role of Dojin, looks a lot like Ryuhei 🙄. Their facial features and proportions somehow have a similar vibe. I can't get enough of the chemistry between Dojin and Hyuk, so I'm thinking of watching it again."
The translation of the tweet text is: "#MiraculousBrothers Unboxing 기적의 형제 Lemino Jung Woo, Bae Hyun Sung, Park Yu Rim, Oh Man Seok, Lee Gi Woo pic.x.com/zP8rOM6oOa"
The most moving part of that movie was definitely Park Yurim's powerful expression while performing the play-within-a-play "Uncle Vanya" in Korean sign language. It truly touched my heart. She was shedding tears both during the audition scene and on stage at the end. To convey the truth of caring for her uncle, the sadness of life, and the strength to endure so beautifully is just amazing. 🥹
The tweet translates to: "Girls' intense emotions: 'Soulmate' Kim Da-mi × Jeong So-ni, 'The Spy Who Called Me' Lee Ha-ni × Park So-dam (Is Lee So-m a romance?), 'Ballerina' Jeong Jong-seo × Park Yu-rim, Drama 'My Dangerous Wife' Chae Yoo-hwa × Kim Jung-eun (burying that with the husband's affair partner), Drama 'The World of the Married' Kim Hee-ae × the women." (Note: The link at the end seems to be an image or video link.)
Here’s the translation of the tweet text to English: "#nSSign #NSSign #YouthStar #Barefoot #PostYourFavoriteScreenshot #Junhyeok #JUNHYEOK #Junhyuk #ThankYouILoveYouSeeYouAgain 【Youth Star】Finals Idol Group Practice Video / Lee Hanjun & Kazuta & Chang Hyewon & Jeong Seongyun & Park Hyun & Yang Junhyuk & Yoon Doha ... youtu.be/XpS6oOSK6QU?si… pic.x.com/S5RmGppKdC"