ペク ナリンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
そういえばずっと下書きに眠らせてた ペクナリンちゃん😭❤️ youtu.be/Tv94JKxkJl8?si… pic.x.com/bfSCQ3NlYN x.com/coco222_coco22…
The translation of the tweet is: "By the way, I've had this in my drafts for a long time. Pekunarin-chan 😭❤️ youtu.be/Tv94JKxkJl8?si… pic.x.com/bfSCQ3NlYN x.com/coco222_coco22…"
My personal favorite performance is Kim Prum & Baek A's "Fly Chick." It's a shame there are no subtitles on YouTube. I was like, "Chickens! 😭😭😭" (I've never owned one.) 【Youth Star】 Singer-songwriter duo Kim Prum & Baek A ♬Fly Chick youtu.be/47RxFB_9sdM?si… via @YouTube
"Right now, Kim Taehyung is singing on Instagram Live. I just rewatched 'Youth Star' and had listened to Taehyung and Baek Hyun's 'The Man, The Woman' from the third round, so I'm really happy to hear him sing live! 💕 #YouthStar #KimTaehyung #nSSign"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "It's a song I've heard for the first time and it's a performance, but I really love it‼︎ I really like the strong and assertive vibe. 【Youth Star】 Vocalists: Kang Eun-ji, Song Wi-seon, Jeong Min-kyung, and Baek Hyeon. ♬ You're the best - MAMAMOO @... youtu.be/rhUctf_h1FY?si… via @YouTube"
The translation of the tweet is: "Is there no Instagram for the youth star Baek A...?"
It seems that Kim Ga-won has been here since her appearance on "Youth Star." Narin is not mentioned, so it seems she joined after the show... The PICK PLANET Academy seems to have been the ONMUSIC Academy's Jamsil campus back then. pic.x.com/t0dslryf6h
The translation of the tweet is: "Isn't Kim Ga-won, who is taking a picture with Narin and the three of them, the same child who appeared in Youth Star?"
The tweet translates to: "青春スター (Youth Star) cast member Baek Narin. I've been looking for her several times, but she was at PICK PLANET Academy (where many like Kep1er's Hye and Billlie's members are from) 😭 Even after two years, she's still cute (she was 15 when she appeared, and she turned 18 on the 14th of this month). There are also fancams for HOW SWEET and EASY, but I like DASH, so... *pats* youtu.be/p6-WEvhnkgg?si…"
"Anajo! 【Youth Star】 Park Jung Hyun & Bang Jun Won & Baek Hyo Hyun ♬ Hug Me youtu.be/NFFF0c68Z5g?si…"
It's strange that only Gayoung from the youth star idol faction hasn't debuted at all. Personally, I have a lot of affection for the youth star girls, so if possible, I would like them to debut together. I love Ye-eun and Narin. 💕
【Youth Star】Idol faction Lee Ye-eun & Kim Gayoung & Baek Nalin ♬ELEVEN - IVE @ # 2 Preliminary Full ver. | Currently being distributed on ABEMA youtu.be/UOiNJTV2SeA?si… @YouTube
New year's greetings have arrived from the youthful stars Kim Tae-hyun, Kim Purum, Park Hee-hyung, and Ryu Ji-hyun. Everyone seems to be doing well 💕 #nSSign friends #YouthfulStars