Coming soon ...
⚠️噂⚠️ 浦項スティラーズのプランAは安養FCパクジョンヒョン 安養FCが負担を感じて城南FCチョソンウクへシフトチェンジ。 ⚠️소문⚠️ 포항 스틸러스의 플랜A는 안양FC 박정현 안양 FC가 부담을 느껴 성남 FC 조성욱으로 시프트 체인지. pic.x.com/dIWBgof7RN x.com/farata0/status…
⚠️Rumor⚠️ Pohang Steelers' Plan A is Park Jeong-hyun from Anyang FC. However, Anyang FC is feeling the burden and is shifting to Jeong Seong-wook from Seongnam FC.
見ちゃうよね〜!!! 感動!!!😭✨😭✨ 【青春スター】アイドル派 イ・テウ&キム・ジュンス&ドウォン&ハ・ソクヒ&パク・ミングン♬DNA - BTS@# 6本選2R Full ver.... youtu.be/7uTSqftGrlk?si… @YouTubeより
The tweet translates to: "@maid_ratoru 2.26 Park Jung-hyun - In a Dream Park Jung-hyun - In a Dream (with Japanese subtitles) youtu.be/li2SP9s0hdk?si… via @YouTube"
🎵 Park Jung-hyun / Prayer ~ You Raise Me Up
Introducing Director Park Jong-hyun of #21PlasticSurgery ♡ Hello. I am Park Jong-hyun, a specialist in plastic surgery. I look forward to meeting you at 21 Plastic Surgery, and I will do my best to solve your facial concerns together and achieve the best results. #FatGrafting #SubmentalLiposuction #FatRedistribution #TearTroughFatGrafting pic.x.com/xR4twOjJMN
"I really love god's Kim Tae-woo because he sings so well, but what's even more interesting is that Park Jung-hyun, who is more of a funny variety show talent, is still the main rapper of god. It's just so amusing!"
The tweet translates to: "Broadcast on 2025-02-02 (481st broadcast) 238th 3R (Song King Candidate Decision Battle) '해돋이 (Sunrise)' Solo song '꿈에 (In a Dream)' by 박정현 (Park Jung-hyun) #이젤 #EJel #Masked Singer #복면가왕 zul.im/0OrdEc"
【Breaking News】 Broadcast on 2025-02-02 (481st broadcast) 238th Round 3 (Song King Candidate Decision Battle) "해돋이 (Sunrise)" Solo song '꿈에 (In a Dream)' by 박정현 (Park Jung-hyun) #MaskedSinger #복면가왕
The tweet translates to: "youtube.com/watch?v=AOkDKC… Park Jung-hyun (Lena Park) - Chandelier ♬ #BeginAgain3 #DJTVCC It's a program where we go to overseas cities and do busking."
Earlier, I discovered the Instagram of the group that Yura-kun and Kotaro-chan from the show "Puje" are in, and I noticed a kid I’ve seen somewhere before 👀‼️ Upon closer inspection, I realized it was Park Mingun-kun, who had performed on stage with Dohwa-chan in "Seishun Star" and also appeared in "Shonen Fantasy," and I was a bit surprised 💦
Youth Star. n.SSign. Kazuta, Park Hyun, Han Jun, and Nam Yujoo are my favorites. They got first place on Music Bank. Congratulations!! I-LAND2: N/a. izna. I decided to watch because Yujoo, who was on Youth Star, is participating. Suddenly, there was some inexplicable treatment towards Yujoo. I witnessed Yujoo smiling until the end. I'm waiting for your debut.
"I thought I’d try out the new Gruk2 feature on X, so I looked up various beatboxers, but no matter how hard I try, Jairo always comes up as Korean 🫨 Even when I try my best to correct it, I just can’t... YAMORI is Kim Jin-seok, and John-T is Park Jung-hyun 😇 Why is that? Which site are you referencing? w"
The tweet translates to: "Park Jung-hyun (LENA PARK) / A SECOND HELPING (2nd Album) (High-Quality Transparent Orange Color LP) (LP Record) store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/seoul4/jhy0002… pic.x.com/4s883iMVIe"
The tweet translates to: "Park Jung Hyun (LENA PARK) / NATURALLY (3rd Album) (High-Quality Transparent Clear Color LP) (LP Record) (Pre-order sales expected to ship after 2025/1/17): store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/seoul4/jhy0003… pic.x.com/kykqNQc6Fa"