ヒョン シニョンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "HyunA~❣️*•.𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚎🍫🤍 ̖́- I watched the n.SSign stage in Sendai for the first time in a while, and I really wanted to see this behind-the-scenes 🧡ྀི Watching this reminds me of my youth as a star 🥹 The moment he says 'break!' he immediately checks with Hanjun 🥹✨️… pic.x.com/Irq9H1qBKl"
현아〜❣️*•.𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚎🍫🤍 ̖́- 仙台で久しぶりにn.SSignのステージを見て、どうしてもこのビハインドが見たくなって🧡ྀི これ見てると青春スターを思い出す🥹 休憩!って言ってるそばからハンジュンに振り確認するヒョン🥹✨️… pic.x.com/Irq9H1qBKl
明日は久しぶりにソンユンの団扇フリフリするかな💚 いや、あの、ヒョンくん、違っ浮気じゃないんだ!!元々わたしはヒョンユン推しなんやッ!! はぁ…言葉にしたら余計ヒョンユンケミが恋しいわ……(╥ω╥`) わし今青春スター見れんくなったんよ…まだ吹っ切れてないの?って言われそうだけど…
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "Maybe I'll wave Son Yoon's fan tomorrow for the first time in a while 💚 No, um, Hyun-kun, it's not cheating!! I've always been a Hyun Yoon fan!! Haa... saying it just makes me miss the Hyun Yoon chemistry even more... (╥ω╥`) I can't watch Youth Star anymore... I feel like someone will ask if I haven't moved on yet..."
セリフとかお芝居を無理に入れなくても良いんですけどね🤔 青春スターの放送シーンやVCRでジュニョクとヒョンのアクションシーンからの本人登場とかなら嬉しいんだけどなぁ💕 個人的には3人の「Road」を入れてくれたら最高なんですけどー✨ #ク・ギフン君推し 😍 ▶️youtu.be/laTIgnzONFI?fe… pic.x.com/nmYxwqmbOh
Here's the translation of the tweet: "You don't have to force in lines or acting, but I would be happy to see scenes from the broadcast of 'Seishun Star' or action scenes with Junyuk and Hyun, followed by their actual appearance. 💕 Personally, it would be amazing if they included the three of them singing 'Road'! ✨ #I’mSupportingKuGihun 😍 ▶️youtu.be/laTIgnzONFI?fe… pic.x.com/nmYxwqmbOh"
Tonight, at the Youth Star Festival, I’m reminded of Hyun's coolness 🤭 Ah~ I’m so happy to have met n.SSign 🍀 I'm time traveling 😂 #nSSign_YouthStar youtu.be/JrhP_QzPxu8?si…
The translation of the tweet is: "In the youth star's concert, there were still Hyun and Junyo... my favorite N.SSign was there. It's a mix of happiness and frustration... #준혁 #양준혁 #준혁아사랑해 #준혁아보고싶어 #JUNHYEOK #ジュニョク"
"I'm still watching Seishun Star. I don't even know how many times it's been anymore. Even though I know the outcome, I still feel anxious and excited, and it moves me to tears. All the factions are amazing! My number one is Kazuta-kun, who is my current favorite and the reason I started watching, but I also really love Shinyon from the vocal faction! 💕"
Youth Star. n.SSign. Kazuta, Park Hyun, Han Jun, and Nam Yujoo are my favorites. They got first place on Music Bank. Congratulations!! I-LAND2: N/a. izna. I decided to watch because Yujoo, who was on Youth Star, is participating. Suddenly, there was some inexplicable treatment towards Yujoo. I witnessed Yujoo smiling until the end. I'm waiting for your debut.
The tweet translates to: "nSSign, who has been working hard since the days of Youth Star, has come this far on their journey to debut. From 7 members to 10, we've made it here together with important members. I love Hyun, Eddie, and Junyuk so much. The 10 members of nSSign have connected and achieved first place. COSMO is happy. COSMO, who came from EnsaPen, is also the best. Congratulations! #nSSign_LovePotion #nSSign"
The translation of the tweet is: "I wanted to be close to Hyun even just a little on his birthday, so I went to Korea again this year 🇰🇷 I also visited the hotel that was shown a little in the early episodes of Youth Star ♡♡♡ I want to go for his birthday next year too~ #박현 #HAPPY_HYUN_DAY #formyOcean #Hyun_BD pic.x.com/oDXZgMwZSE"
Happy birthday, Hyun! 🫶💕 I'm still occasionally watching "Youth Star." You've worked so hard in your practice and have grown so much, blooming beautifully. That effort will always be a source of strength for you in the future. Even if your path changes, there will be no change in n.SSign, so I'm cheering for you! 🤗 #HAPPY_HYUN_DAY #A_Bright_Future_For_Park_Hyun_That_We_Will_Share
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Hyun, who has overcome many difficulties since the time he appeared on Youth Star, I believe that you will be okay from now on too ☺️ I'm cheering for you ☺️ Happy Birthday 🎉 #HAPPY_HYUN_DAY #The_Bright_Future_of_Park_Hyun_That_We_Will_Sharing"
The tweet translates to: "I'm so happy that Hyun is celebrating Junyuk's birthday 😭 I wonder if things would have been different if they had debuted as seven without a break from 'Youth Star'... It's not an anime, but I would have liked to see that kind of alternate timeline."