リュ ミンヒさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
世界中の専門家と国際的なリーダーが集う、最大のフェイシャル・エステティクスサミットへリュミンヒ院長が参加いたします。美容業界最善で活躍する院長のDeep plane faceliftをぜひ^^ #韓国整形 #渡韓整形 #美容整形 #整形垢さんと繋がりたい pic.x.com/jeV6abIQpy
The tweet translates to: "Director Ryumin will participate in the largest Facial Aesthetics Summit, where experts and international leaders from around the world gather. Be sure to check out the Deep Plane Facelift by the director, who is active in the beauty industry at its best^^ #KoreanPlasticSurgery #PlasticSurgeryInKorea #CosmeticSurgery #WantToConnectWithPlasticSurgeryAccounts"
【Dr. RYUのDeep Plane Lift】 リュ・ミンヒ院長による Deep Plane Lift は最先端の技術と豊富な経験に基づいた施術で、自然で美しい若返りを実現します。 ✔ 解剖学に基づいた精密な技術 ✔ 長持ちするリフト効果 ✔ ダウンタイムを最小限に抑えた施術 ぜひカウンセリングお待ちしております^^ x.com/i41no/status/1…
【Dr. RYU's Deep Plane Lift】 The Deep Plane Lift by Director Ryu Min-hee is a procedure based on cutting-edge technology and extensive experience, achieving natural and beautiful rejuvenation. ✔ Precise techniques based on anatomy ✔ Long-lasting lifting effects ✔ Minimally invasive with reduced downtime We look forward to your consultation! ^^ x.com/i41no/status/1…
マークジェイコブスのフェイスリフト執刀医 アンドリュージャコーノ医師 現在世界一と称されるディーププレーンフェイスリフトを行う 彼の美容外科にてその価格 20万ドル〜【2900万円〜】😱 日本🇯🇵で宇津木先生が600万円 韓国🇰🇷 パクドンマンが4000万w リュミンヒ3000万w とか可愛く見えてくる💰️ pic.x.com/Tcta9O6s9U
The tweet translates to: "Dr. Andrew Jacono, the surgeon for Marc Jacobs' facelift, performs what is currently called the world's best deep plane facelift. The price at his cosmetic surgery clinic is $200,000 (around 29 million yen) 😱. In Japan 🇯🇵, Dr. Uzuki charges 6 million yen, in South Korea 🇰🇷, Park Dong-man charges 40 million won, and Ryu Min-hee charges 30 million won, which suddenly seems quite reasonable 💰️."
大好きなリュミンヒ院長のアカウント凍結されてしまったらしい😭フォローしていた方フォローしてあげて😭 あと今日お義母さんの切開リフトレポ載せます👍 x.com/jprnwoodps/sta…
It seems that my beloved Director Ryumin's account has been suspended 😭 If you were following them, please follow them again 😭 Also, I will post a report on my mother-in-law's incision lift today 👍 x.com/jprnwoodps/sta…
リュミンヒ院長のご紹介ありがとうございます✨ 当院のアカウントが凍結されてしまったためぜひこちらの新しいアカウントを皆様フォローいただけると嬉しいです🥲💚 x.com/sefiros0608/st…
Thank you for introducing Director Ryuminhi✨ Our clinic's account has been frozen, so I would be happy if everyone could follow this new account🥲💚 x.com/sefiros0608/st…
In 2024, at the world-renowned Mayo Clinic in the United States, Director Ryu Min-hee was invited as a faculty member to share the latest in facial anatomy education and the "Deep Plane Facelift" technique. Experience trusted techniques and world-class incision lifts. #IncisionLift #KoreanPlasticSurgery #PlasticSurgeryInKorea pic.x.com/5c1NLMOCNj
Thank you for introducing our clinic! ^^ Ryoo Minhee, who has inherited the techniques of Dr. Sam Hamra, will be in charge and will achieve a natural and beautiful facial line. We provide the most suitable treatment for each patient and promise safe and secure results. #KoreanPlasticSurgery #KoreanSurgery #IncisionalLift
The name of the creator is Sam Hamura, the inventor of the deep plane method for surgical lifts, and Jacono's disciple, currently the world's number one face lifter. On the left is his brother disciple, Ryu Min-hee, who has opened a specialized surgical lift clinic in Apgujeong called RNWOOD Orthopedic Surgery. All cosmetic surgeons hear his name at conferences and hold him in high regard, even Dr. Naoyuki Otake. pic.x.com/M58KiHOzDl x.com/sefiros0608/st…
創造主の名は サム・ハムラ 裏ハムラ 切開リフト、ディーププレーン法考案者 ジャコーノ 弟子 現世界一フェイスリフター 左 その兄弟弟子 リュ·ミンヒ 狎鴎亭に独立し切開リフト専門医院開院 アールエヌウッド RNWOOD整形外科 美容外科医は皆、学会でその名を聞くし一目置く 大竹尚之先生すらね pic.x.com/M58KiHOzDl x.com/sefiros0608/st…
"13 years ago, I met the Hong Bichira author at the Korean Orthopedic Association, and my connection with Director Ryuminhi began through medical illustrations. Thanks to our efforts, our paper was published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, and we also produced a medical Webtoon. Now, I have met the Hong author again as the original writer for a Netflix drama. ^^ #Netflix #TraumaCode #RNWOOD"