リュ ミンヒさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
立体感のあるトラガス(耳の前部分)と丸い耳たぶ(イヤーローブ)が重要です。時々、トラガスが見えなくなっていることもありますが、その場合、手術を行う医師の美的センスと細かい技術が特に大切です。 #韓国整形外科 #リュミンヒ #フェイスリフト効果 #長期的な美しさ pic.x.com/jnE5VrXtCz
The tweet translates to: "A sense of three-dimensionality in the tragus (the front part of the ear) and a round earlobe are important. Sometimes, the tragus may not be visible, but in that case, the aesthetic sense and fine skills of the surgeon performing the operation are especially important. #KoreanPlasticSurgery #Ruminhee #FaceLiftEffect #LongTermBeauty"
リュ・ミンヒ院長によるDeepPlanFaceliftは他の病院と少し違います。 今後美しい症例を載せていきますのでお楽しみにしていてください^^ #切開リフト #フェイスリフト #リフト傷跡 お問い合わせ📩 lin.ee/uSG7CbN pic.x.com/3sfAYcFIGu
The DeepPlan Facelift by Director Ryu Minhee is a bit different from other hospitals. We will be sharing beautiful cases in the future, so please look forward to it! ^^ #IncisionalLift #FaceLift #LiftScars For inquiries 📩 lin.ee/uSG7CbN pic.x.com/3sfAYcFIGu
久しぶりに聴こうか😌 【青春スター】シンガーソングライター派 キム・ジョンハン&ク・ギフン&リュ・ジヒョン ♬Road - god@# 7本選2R Full ver.... youtu.be/KKGgDZznpLs?si… @YouTubeより x.com/kn_ssign/statu…
"Shall we listen to it after a long time? 😌 【Youth Star】 Singer-songwriter faction Kim Jong-han & Koo Gi-hoon & Ryu Ji-hyun ♬Road - god@# 7 selections 2R Full ver.... youtu.be/KKGgDZznpLs?si… @YouTube"
It's Ryu Ji Hyun-chan! 😍 I am healed by Ji Hyun-chan's transparent singing voice ✨ From the youth star "Road-god" youtu.be/KKGgDZznpLs
【#Interview】From "Youth Star"! The too cute K-POP girl solo artist Ryu Ji Hyun! Making a comeback with the new song "Get ready, Set, Go!" and making her Japan debut with "To You" 🎉 "I am happy to be able to sing in Japanese" 📢 Exclusive interview published on Korean entertainment news 📰 Kanstar! ☟ kanstarpress.com/?p=148397
Born from "Youth Star"! Korean singer-songwriter Ryu Ji Hyun, known as the "fairy of first love," makes her long-awaited Japan debut. #Ryujihyun #류지현
The same stamp in the hands of the youthful stars Chu Won and Ryu Mini. pic.twitter.com/skB1ALoXdq
New year's greetings have arrived from the youthful stars Kim Tae-hyun, Kim Purum, Park Hee-hyung, and Ryu Ji-hyun. Everyone seems to be doing well 💕 #nSSign friends #YouthfulStars