Coming soon ...
🇰🇷 「日韓和解と平和プラットフォーム」韓国共同代表キム・ギョンミン(韓国YMCA) pic.x.com/DmdvmNPkmp
🇰🇷 "Japan-Korea Reconciliation and Peace Platform" South Korean co-representative Kim Kyung-min (Korea YMCA) pic.x.com/DmdvmNPkmp
zmedia.twitren.com/drama/13621/ 【Kstyle13周年】キム・ジェヨンさんからお祝いメッセージが到着! – YouTube … オーディション『青春スター』ABEMAで配信中. ABEMA_K-POP・韓国ドラマ(アベマ)【公式 …
The tweet translates to: "[Kstyle 13th Anniversary] A congratulatory message has arrived from Kim Jae-young! – YouTube ... The audition show 'Youth Star' is currently streaming on ABEMA. ABEMA_K-POP, Korean Drama (Abema) [Official] ..."
zmedia.twitren.com/drama/13621/ 【Kstyle13周年】キム・ジェヨンさんからお祝いメッセージが到着! – YouTube … オーディション『青春スター』ABEMAで配信中. ABEMA_K-POP・韓国ドラマ(アベマ)【公式 … #KPOP
The tweet translates to: "[Kstyle 13th Anniversary] A congratulatory message has arrived from Kim Jae-young! – YouTube ... The audition show 'Youth Star' is currently streaming on ABEMA. ABEMA_K-POP, Korean Drama (Abema) [Official] ... #KPOP"
【公演案内‼】 韓国ミュージカル「ハトシェプスト」 뮤지컬<하트셉수트> 2025.3.11~6.1 大学路自由劇場 《ハトシェプスト役》 🌙シン・ウィジョン 🌙チョン・ソンミン 🌙チェ・イミン 🌙ヒョウン 《アムン役》 🌙キム・ギョンミン 🌙チュ・ダオン 🌙チャン・ボラム 🌙チェ・スヒョン pic.x.com/g0AQIo8ezG
【Performance Announcement‼】 Korean musical "Hatshepsut" 뮤지컬<하트셉수트> March 11, 2025 - June 1, 2025 at Daehangno Free Theater 《Hatshepsut Role》 🌙 Shin Woo-jung 🌙 Jeong Seong-min 🌙 Choi Yi-min 🌙 Hyo-eun 《Amun Role》 🌙 Kim Kyung-min 🌙 Chu Da-on 🌙 Jang Bo-ram 🌙 Choi Soo-hyun pic.x.com/g0AQIo8ezG
【公演案内‼】 韓国ミュージカル「ハトシェプスト」 뮤지컬<하트셉수트> 2025.3.11~6.1 大学路自由劇場 《ハトシェプスト役》 🌙シン・ウィジョン 🌙チョン・ソンミン 🌙チェ・イミン 🌙ヒョウン 《アムン役》 🌙キム・ギョンミン 🌙チュ・ダオン 🌙チャン・ボラム 🌙チェ・スヒョン pic.x.com/QLAW0pAyTO
【Performance Announcement‼】 Korean musical "Hatshepsut" 뮤지컬<하트셉수트> 2025.3.11~6.1 Daehakro Free Theater 《Role of Hatshepsut》 🌙 Shin Woo-jung 🌙 Jeong Seong-min 🌙 Choi Yi-min 🌙 Hyo-eun 《Role of Amun》 🌙 Kim Kyung-min 🌙 Joo Da-on 🌙 Jang Bo-ram 🌙 Choi Soo-hyun pic.x.com/QLAW0pAyTO
The tweet translates to: "Action in front of the National Diet on the 19th: 'Japan-Korea Reconciliation and Peace Platform' - South Korean co-representative Kim Kyung-min (Korea YMCA) calls for solidarity from the Japanese citizens to overcome the 'Yoon Suk-yeol emergency measures' message. 241219 sogakari.com/?p=7849"
The tweet translates to: "Action in front of the National Diet on the 19th: 'Japan-Korea Reconciliation and Peace Platform' South Korean co-representative Kim Kyung-min (Korea YMCA) calls for solidarity from the Japanese citizens to overcome the 'Yoon Seok-youl's strict emergency measures.' 241219 sogakari.com/?p=7849"
国会前19日行動「日韓和解と平和プラットフォーム」韓国共同代表キム・ギョンミンさん(韓国YMCA) 「尹錫悦戒厳令事態」克服のための日本市民への連帯要請メッセージ 241219 sogakari.com/?p=7849
If that's the case, it seems that in recent years, Yamagata could bring in a starting goalkeeper level from K League 1. It might be players like Lee Kwang-yeon from Jeongbuk FC, Kim Kyung-min from Jeonju, Kim Dong-jun from Jeju United, or Han In-jae from Pohang. I heard that Kim Kyung-min and others had interest from J League last offseason, but I wonder if that’s true.
The tweet translates to: "Kim Taehyun from Youth Star TOP7 is currently on Instagram Live. He's chatting while munching on shellfish (as expected from an island guy). I'm looking forward to him singing soon 💕 #YouthStar #김태현"