Coming soon ...
COSMOさん達の中でも意見は分かれると思うけど😅 私は'青春スター'に出ていた方達の番組再現コンサートがあったら絶対に見に行きたいな✨(ギフン君も呼んで欲しい😍) ラストはOne Voice 'でお願いします👍 ▶️youtu.be/MrW9sr2C5xo?fe… #OneVoice pic.x.com/wE1baLfQLZ
I think opinions might vary even among the COSMO members 😅, but I definitely want to go see a concert recreating the show featuring the 'Youth Stars' ✨ (I hope they invite Gihoon too 😍). For the finale, please do "One Voice" 👍 ▶️youtu.be/MrW9sr2C5xo?fe… #OneVoice pic.x.com/wE1baLfQLZ
エンサずくしでTVでずっと見てたら久々にこの神曲が…😭 やっぱりこの3人のRoadは永久保存版だ✨ #青春スター #キムジョハン #クギフン #リュジヒョン #Road youtu.be/KKGgDZznpLs?si…
The tweet translates to: "I was watching a lot of Ensa on TV, and this amazing song came up for the first time in a while... 😭 This trio's 'Road' is definitely a must-save! ✨ #YouthStar #KimJoHan #KooGiHun #RyuJiHyun #Road youtu.be/KKGgDZznpLs?si…"
"Junhyuk... I wonder how he's spending his birthday today. I wonder if he's seeing all the posts from COSMO thinking of him. Junhyuk, who was so happy to be in the same group as Kazuta for the first time on 'Youth Star' and hugged him. Junhyuk, who encouraged Zuta in the elevator. ↓ #nSSign"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "#nSSign #COSMO #JUNIOROK Finally became COSMO this September 💦 I'm a box fan of Seishun Star ✨ But I wanted to meet JuniYoku and Eddie 😭 I can't believe I'm feeling this way 😰 Osaka! I don't know how I should feel going into this 😣😣😣😣😣"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "My favorite audition show contestants history: PDs2 → Ong Seong-wu, Ahak → Hayoung, Doyoon → Yuchan, MX9 → Hangyul, PD48 → Wonyoung, Treasure Box → Mashiro, U19 → Yechan, PDx → Johan, I-LAND → Jungwon, GP → Yeso, Youth Star → Songyun, BP → Kim Ji-eun, PKT → Gyeongbe, PJ → Gyeongbe. So Gyeongbe will also debut at 120%!"
The translation of the tweet is: "I really like Youth Star K. Gihun."
"Shall we listen to it after a long time? 😌 【Youth Star】 Singer-songwriter faction Kim Jong-han & Koo Gi-hoon & Ryu Ji-hyun ♬Road - god@# 7 selections 2R Full ver.... youtu.be/KKGgDZznpLs?si… @YouTube"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I’m from the generation that watched spells and 'sori sori' in real time, so that cover on 'Seishun Star' really hit me hard. I have a strong impression that TVXQ became popular in Japan thanks to 'Purple Line.' I think the opportunity to appear on Music Station was with a song featuring Koda Kumi. I wonder if Ensa will collaborate with someone too."
One night has passed since the joyous weekend with Umachun Ensa... I continue to drag along my youthful star 💧 Today was Gifun-san ✨ I went~ Yushin-san was there too~ 💕 With his wonderful unchanged singing voice, even though I don't understand a single word of Korean, I was in tears 🥺 #CHOOKJE #ThePowerOfMusic x.com/Chook_Je/statu...
I listened to a live performance featuring Keehoon and Yooshin from Seishun Star, and these two have incredible star quality ✨ They even arrange the band parts themselves and play the guitar, so the dynamics are amazing. And they're cool 💦... I want to go for the remaining 2 days (work 😭) #keehoon #yooshin #chookke #SeishunStar x.com/Chook_Je/statu…
Concert featuring the youthful stars Keehoon and Yooshin starts today!! ✨ It's dangerous, dangerous! #keehoon #yooshn #chookje x.com/Chook_Je/statu…
Yushin, who appeared in Seishun Star as a Shin Sung follower on July 2, 3, and 4, will be holding a joint live performance in Ikebukuro with Kihun and others. I heard a little bit of their conversation in DM before coming to Japan. It seems that what he gained from Seishun Star was meeting Kihun. If you're interested, please take a look! #SeishunStar #Yushin instagram.com/p/C8mFwcJpkDt/...
Ruselfim style, 2 Japanese people, thank you 🫰💞 Teddy bear of Nenkopitan 🧸 Takuma Takeshita, Takuma, promises friendship, effort, and victory like Haikyuu! He is a former child actor like Miraku! From the Sababan! Have you seen the youth star of Nenkopitan? We have to liven up this group with Ensign-san's circle 🫶🥹 pic.twitter.com/PV5gVzw18k