チュ ボムジンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
2025/01/12 KR TRAIN Train To OSAKA Ballad Line #BUMJIN Station VOL.2 まさかの인사日本語ver.😭 #범진 #ボムジン #チュボムジン #BUMJIN #인사 #PLUSWINHALL_OSAKA pic.x.com/bzECP256fc
The translation of the tweet is: "2025/01/12 KR TRAIN Train To OSAKA Ballad Line #BUMJIN Station VOL.2 Unexpected 인사 Japanese version. 😭 #범진 #ボムジン #チュボムジン #BUMJIN #인사 #PLUSWINHALL_OSAKA" (Note: "인사" means "greeting" in Korean.)
やっぱりインサ最高に良かった。念願の大好きな曲生で聴けた🥲フフェももの凄くよかった泣きそう #ボムジン #チュボムジン
"After all, INSIDE was absolutely amazing. I finally got to hear my favorite song live 🥲 The performance was incredibly good, I almost cried. #BOMJIN #CHUBOMJIN"
ライブ中のメント私の左右のお姉さん達韓国語めちゃうまかったんだけどみんな偉すぎる 韓国語で質問答えたら日本語でって言われてたw #ボムジン #チュボムジン
The tweet translates to: "The sisters on my left and right during the live were really good at Korean, everyone is amazing! When I answered a question in Korean, they told me to do it in Japanese, lol. #Bumjin #Chubumjin"
とにかく歌うまかった。音源以上 安定すごい かわいい かっこいい ギターかっこよすぎ 日本語かわいかった #ボムジン #チュボムジン
"Anyway, the singing was amazing. More stable than the audio source, super cute, cool, the guitar was too cool, and the Japanese was adorable. #Bumjin #Chubumjin"
ボムジンくんグータッチしてくれた、、、グータッチなのにお手てすごくあったかかった🥲🥲🥲となりの席のお姉さん感激して泣いてたわかる #ボムジン #チュボムジン
"Bomjin-kun gave me a high five... even though it was just a high five, his hand was really warm 🥲🥲🥲 The girl sitting next to me was so moved that she was crying, and I understand why. #Bomjin #Chubomjin"
みんなチュボムジン知らない?聴かんの?勿体なさすぎるんだけど 若くて爽やかで控えめで落ち着いててかわいいんだけど 歌も声も味があってめちゃ良いんだけど アイドルじゃないから派手さはないけどさもっと話題なっても良いと思うんやけどナ…(今からライブ行くドキドキ)
"Doesn't anyone know Chubomujin? Aren't you listening? It's such a waste! They're young, refreshing, modest, calm, and cute, and their singing and voice have so much flavor and are really good. They may not be flashy since they're not idols, but I think they deserve to be talked about more... (I'm so nervous because I'm going to a live show now!)"
今からチュボムジンくんのライブ行くんだ~~!楽しみだなぁ 初めてだしドキドキする… あの声生で聴いたら泣いちゃうかも🥹インサ聴いたらきっと泣く🥲
"I'm going to Chubomujin's live concert now~~! I'm so excited. It's my first time, and I'm nervous... I might cry if I hear that voice live 🥹 I'm sure I'll cry when I hear 'Insa' 🥲"
【Youth Star】Singer-songwriter Kim Shion & Kumon & Chu Bomjin ♬ LOVE ME RIGHT - EXO @ # 3 selections 1R Full... youtu.be/Z5G4eYb-KHw?si… From @YouTube I remembered this, it's just an arrangement though~~