チョン ピルグンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
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#ヒウォン #nSSign #チョンスミン 青春スターシンソン派のチョン・スミンくんも出てたとは知らな んだ😲 youtu.be/M1KbmOFa6EQ?si… pic.x.com/bNv9bZKXzz
The translation of the tweet is: "I didn't know that Jung Soo-min, who is part of the youth star Shin Seong faction, was also in it! 😲 youtu.be/M1KbmOFa6EQ?si… pic.x.com/bNv9bZKXzz"
この間ふと青春スターの動画を見てたらあまりにソンユンくんが可愛すぎて、、、🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ この3年で何があったチョンソンユン、、、 #nSSign #nSSign_LovePotion #青春スター pic.x.com/VwYPiM9Gd9
The tweet translates to: "The other day, I was watching a video of Youth Star and Son Yun-kun was just too cute... 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ What happened to Jung Sung-yoon in these three years... #nSSign #nSSign_LovePotion #YouthStar"
zmedia.twitren.com/drama/247749/ キム・チョンハから動画メッセージが到着!約11ヶ月ぶりのアルバムをPR「共感と癒しを届けます」 … 『青春スター』ABEMAで無料配信中. ABEMA_K-POP・韓国ドラマ(アベマ)【公式】•259K vi … #KPOP
Here's the translation of the tweet text: "A video message from Kim Chung-ha has arrived! Promoting her album after about 11 months, she says, 'I will deliver empathy and healing'... 'Youth Star' is currently available for free streaming on ABEMA. ABEMA_K-POP, Korean Drama (Abema) [Official] • 259K views... #KPOP"
オレだよオレオレ。 青春スターとn.SSignが好きで、たまに鉛筆でファンアート描いたり、チョン・ヒョンムの動画とかポストしまくったりしてる ひむろだよ。 #新しいプロフィール画像 pic.x.com/kVitcupSbg
Here's the translation of the tweet: "It's me, it's me! I like Seishun Star and n.SSign, and sometimes I draw fan art with pencils or post a lot of videos of Jeong Hyun-moo. It's Himuro. #NewProfilePicture"
Here’s the translation of the tweet text to English: "#nSSign #NSSign #YouthStar #Barefoot #PostYourFavoriteScreenshot #Junhyeok #JUNHYEOK #Junhyuk #ThankYouILoveYouSeeYouAgain 【Youth Star】Finals Idol Group Practice Video / Lee Hanjun & Kazuta & Chang Hyewon & Jeong Seongyun & Park Hyun & Yang Junhyuk & Yoon Doha ... youtu.be/XpS6oOSK6QU?si… pic.x.com/S5RmGppKdC"
"I was reminded of it while watching the Thai Pro, but this stage from the only survival show I used to follow really sticks in my memory. 【Youth Star】 Idol faction: Lee Hanjun, Kazuta, Chang Hyewon, Jeong Seongyun, and Park Hyun ♬ Love Shot - EXO @# 10 preliminaries... youtu.be/M-QNpoVrTNg?si… via @YouTube"
The tweet translates to: "[Youth Star] Semifinals Round 1 ♬ Love Shot - EXO / Lee Hanjun & Kazuta & Chang Hyewon & Jung Seonyun & Park Hyun Dance... youtu.be/aYQcCUJos3A?si… @YouTube From Whenever I see him, I'm captivated by Kazuta. Nostalgic... Love shot dumpla #KAZUTA #nSSign_ensign pic.x.com/l6ylqUnjve"
The tweet translates to: "【Youth Star】Idol faction Lee Hanjun & Kazuta & Chang Hyewon & Jung Seonyoon & Park Hyun ♬Love Shot - EXO @# 10th... youtu.be/M-QNpoVrTNg?si… via @YouTube"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "It's a song I've heard for the first time and it's a performance, but I really love it‼︎ I really like the strong and assertive vibe. 【Youth Star】 Vocalists: Kang Eun-ji, Song Wi-seon, Jeong Min-kyung, and Baek Hyeon. ♬ You're the best - MAMAMOO @... youtu.be/rhUctf_h1FY?si… via @YouTube"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "A touching photo✨ And I thought this at the venue too, but Mr. Jung Hyun-moo looks younger than during his Youth Star days... (Is that rude? 💦) x.com/nSSign_officia…"
The reunion since "Youth Star" is in Japan! I hear that Jung Hyun-moo is a very famous host on music and audition shows (Kazuta even went out of his way to shake hands). It must have been a deep emotional experience for both of them to see/show how much they've grown. 🥹 x.com/nSSign_officia…