キム プルムさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
キム・プルムちゃんは2016年から映画やドラマにもたくさん出演している女優さんでもあるんですよ✨ この番組をとおして、韓国の若い方達には凄い才能を持った方がたくさんいることに当時はとても驚きました #カン・ソクジュ #キム・ギョンミン #ク・ギフン #ユシン ▶️youtu.be/-yqbcXmRtuI?fe…
"Kim Purum has been an actress who has appeared in many movies and dramas since 2016✨ Through this program, I was really surprised to see that there are so many talented young people in Korea at that time. #KangSeokJoo #KimKyungMin #KooGiHun #YooShin ▶️youtu.be/-yqbcXmRtuI?fe…"
zmedia.twitren.com/drama/13621/ 【Kstyle13周年】キム・ジェヨンさんからお祝いメッセージが到着! – YouTube … オーディション『青春スター』ABEMAで配信中. ABEMA_K-POP・韓国ドラマ(アベマ)【公式 …
The tweet translates to: "[Kstyle 13th Anniversary] A congratulatory message has arrived from Kim Jae-young! – YouTube ... The audition show 'Youth Star' is currently streaming on ABEMA. ABEMA_K-POP, Korean Drama (Abema) [Official] ..."
zmedia.twitren.com/drama/13621/ 【Kstyle13周年】キム・ジェヨンさんからお祝いメッセージが到着! – YouTube … オーディション『青春スター』ABEMAで配信中. ABEMA_K-POP・韓国ドラマ(アベマ)【公式 … #KPOP
The tweet translates to: "[Kstyle 13th Anniversary] A congratulatory message has arrived from Kim Jae-young! – YouTube ... The audition show 'Youth Star' is currently streaming on ABEMA. ABEMA_K-POP, Korean Drama (Abema) [Official] ... #KPOP"
あの〜。 青春スター組で一番の出世頭、彼女かも。 バズってる。再生回数772千回て… #キムプルム #天才 instagram.com/reel/DDZOWgFJK…
"Um... She might be the most successful one among the Seishun Star group. She's going viral. 772,000 views... #KimPulum #Genius"
The tweet translates to: "I think Kim Purum-chan was an LP? How about n.SSign? #nSSign x.com/D_Sugiyama_/st…"
The tweet translates to: "#KimPurum #BLUISH #Petty_thief 💟 open.spotify.com/track/6v1wsnfp… #Spotify It's also available on YouTube✨"
The tweet translates to: "Kim Taehyun from Youth Star TOP7 is currently on Instagram Live. He's chatting while munching on shellfish (as expected from an island guy). I'm looking forward to him singing soon 💕 #YouthStar #김태현"
"I want to go to Kim Purum's live concert, but I can't find any information 😢"
"Chiru-san, it's been two years, but I'm still a huge fan of Seishun Star. Soyu-san and Angel Star, as well as the reactions of the girls who participated in the auditions, truly represented the feelings of all girls. Kim Ina-san and Lee Won-seok-san were also amazing. If Yunna-san had been there in that episode, it would have been a scream and a huge deal!"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "#nSSign #ENSSIGN #YouthStar #IneedUbehind #Doha #Junhyuk #Robin #Lawrence #Seunghyuk #Junhyuk's singing voice echoes in the practice room 【Youth Star】Play Team Vlog ♬I NEED U - BTS / Kim Seunghyuk & Yang Junhyuk & Yoon Doha & Robin & Lawrence | ABE... youtu.be/8GjCdjpi0o8?si… pic.x.com/1BUXfMnAR6"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Everyone, how about listening to Plumu-chan's 1st Full Album and getting healed? 😊 #SeishunStar I have various thoughts about it, but... 🐈⬛ youtu.be/PsNsYKdfBMY?si…"