シン アリンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
"Six years since the death of the 'giant star of the film world,' Shin Sung-il... The best youth star (Chosun Ilbo Japanese version) - Yahoo! News. Many people in Japan have also passed away while fighting illness... This is Japan! Even if someone from the neighboring country has passed away, it shouldn't be unknown."
「映画界の巨星」シン・ソンイルさんの死から6年…最高の青春スター(朝鮮日報日本語版) - Yahoo!ニュース 日本でも多くの人々が 病と闘いながらもダメで 亡くなられた人もいます…。 ここは日本です!お隣の国の人が 亡くなられたのを流しても知らないはず news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/f1265…
"Six years since the death of 'the giant of the film world,' Shin Sung-il... the greatest youth star. Actor Shin Sung-il (1937-2018) has been gone for six years. #ShinSungIl"
「映画界の巨星」シン・ソンイルさんの死から6年…最高の青春スター ekr.chosunonline.com/site/data/html… 俳優シン・ソンイルさん(1937-2018)がこの世を去ってから6年たった。 #シン・ソンイル
Audition program favorites (in order of viewing) I-LAND: Nicky Produce Camp 2021: Huang Kun, Ikumi Taisho Japan Produce: Miyajima Yusuke, Ikumi Taisho Produce 101 Season 2: Woojin, Minhyun Girls Planet: Yurina, Shinwei, Jongmin Youth With You: Yuzu, Junyoku, Songyun Boys Planet: Hiroto, Zuhao, Kong Ayunek: Moka, Funa ILAND2: Yuzu
Please, I really love Saban, so I get excited just by watching challenge videos like this. So for me, is it a winning collaboration for a girl who loves after-school excitement like Jiu x Yuyong x Minami, or a youthful star collaboration for Zena x Cheowon? Please come, Kotone, Shinwi, Nien x Yudayong, I beg you 😭‼️
I was watching CAPTEEN for Hyunshin from former HOTISSUE rather than Seishun Star, and I fell in love at first sight with Yuzu (at the time I was 14). Even though that show was completely unknown at the time, now it features popular idols like Helim and Kangdamin from OneMillion, and there are so many skilled rookies appearing, even their parents are coming on the show. It was a mysterious program.