青木 聖波さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | ヒューマンビートボックス、料理 |
特技 | ブレイクダンス |
コメント | 自分のダンス、自分自身をより多くの人に知ってもらい、かっこいいと思ってもらえるように楽しみながら頑張ります。 |
Coming soon ...
韓国のARTBEATっていうダンスチームよく見てるんだけど、日プの青木友香ちゃんいるから日本語コメ読んでくれて嬉しい😊 youtube.com/live/k6RA4epmD…
"I'm often watching the Korean dance team ARTBEAT, and I'm happy that they read comments in Japanese because they have Aoki Yuka-chan from the Japanese program! 😊 youtube.com/live/k6RA4epmD…"
青木友香が日プみてた時にスキル的に良かったのでデビューしたら良いなとずっと思ってるんですけど、唯一渡韓して生活して今カバーダンスチームで活動してるけど オーディションは活動しながら受けてる感じなんですかね? そこは分からないけど 所属しながら受けれるのかな?という疑問はある
The tweet translates to: "I've always thought that since Yuka Aoki was good in terms of skills when I was watching 'Nippon Project,' it would be great if she debuted. However, she is currently living in Korea and is active in a cover dance team, but I wonder if she is auditioning while continuing her activities? I'm not sure about that, but I do have questions about whether she can audition while being affiliated with a team."
【Exchange】JP Produce Girls Trading Card Offering: Aoki Yuka trading card Looking for: PRODUCE 101 JAPAN THE GIRLS trading card I hope to exchange using Yahoo! Auction's goods exchange feature (anonymous delivery)‼️ You can check the details from the URL below‼️ paypayfleamarket.page.link/1NKnZKWafj4cwS… pic.x.com/ILcSGcEjnB
The tweet translates to: "Aoki Seiwa said that there are no JO1 members he still talks to, but he said, 'I will work harder so I can collaborate more🔥' 😭🤎 He also mentioned, 'Keigo is cool, right?' 🥹 I'm a big fan of Kunchikita... I will rewatch the original."
"I had no idea that the really cute Yuka who joined artbeat was the same Aoki Yuka who was in the first day of the event."
The tweet translates to: "I was also supporting Aoki Kaito from 'Nippon Project,' but I'm glad to see he's now doing well in a different field..."
The tweet translates to: "Even if you don't understand by watching 'Nippon Produce,' I was a one-pick for Aoki Yuka-chan! Yuka-chi!"
During the audition, I was voting for Aoki Seira and Yundong—such a nostalgic memory! 🥹
"I'm currently watching 'Nijuu Project' with my husband, little by little. We're on episode 5, around the group battle part. My husband's favorites are probably Seiwa Aoki and Naoki Otosawa."
"I'm currently watching 'Nijuu Project' with my husband, little by little. We're on episode 5, around the group battle part. My husband's favorites are probably Seiwa Aoki and Naoki Otosawa."
"Yay, the balloon flew away! ^^ I will support Aoki Seina with all my might this year too. 😌"