Coming soon ...
2025/03/13 1部、2部 2025/03/15 2部 DIGNITY ルーク 2推しのルークの写真ももっときれいに撮りたいなぁ✨ #DIGNITY #ルーク pic.x.com/Wut412oVfe
The tweet translates to: "March 13, 2025, Part 1, Part 2 March 15, 2025, Part 2 DIGNITY Luke I want to take more beautiful photos of my second favorite, Luke✨ #DIGNITY #Luke" (Note: The link at the end appears to be a placeholder for an image.)
ルオ、ミンソク、ルーク、オン、ヒョンジンみんな本当にお疲れ様でした✨ いつも幸せな気持ちにさせてくれるDIGNITYが大好きだよ〜 PCSの皆さんもKステのスタッフさんも、TYerも👏👏👏 会場で話してくれるかわいい妹達も😚 またみんな元気で会おうね〜🩷 x.com/DIGNITY_JP/sta…
"Ruo, Minseok, Luke, On, Hyunjin, thank you all so much for your hard work✨ I really love DIGNITY for always making me feel happy~ To everyone at PCS, the K-stage staff, and TYers, applause👏👏👏 And to the cute younger sisters who talk to us at the venue😚 Let's all meet again in good spirits~🩷"
2025/03/15 2部 DIGNITY 推しはルオくんに決めたけど、ルークもミンソクもすごく気になるんだよな~🥰 マンネのくるくるふわふわのモリがすごーくかわいかったし✨ #DIGNITY pic.x.com/OkivVgXwol
The tweet translates to: "2025/03/15 Part 2 DIGNITY I've decided to support Ruoh-kun, but I'm really curious about Luke and Minseok too~ 🥰 The maknae's curly, fluffy Mori was super cute✨ #DIGNITY pic.x.com/OkivVgXwol"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "DIGNITY photo card exchange Offering: Image 1 Looking for: 🍖 Both types of uniform! (Front selfie) 🍖 🩵 Both types of casual wear for Luo and Luke Not the one with the seatbelt Feel free to DM or reply, I'm waiting for your messages! I'm also open to discussions about different ratios! I hope to exchange near the venue 💕 #DIGNITY #디그니티 #ディグニティ"
The translation of the tweet is: "Trading trading cards: Offering: Photos, Casual clothes, Suits. Looking for: Uniforms, On, Animal pajamas, Luke, DIGNITY dignity Luke." (Note: "On" may refer to a specific character or item, and "ルーく" is a phonetic spelling of "Luke" in Japanese.)
ディグニティ DIGNITY 디그니티 交換 求)ヒョンジン ポラロイド 譲)ヨントン ルーク ポラロイド 今までのヨントン・ペンサであれば何でも交換可 会場付近での手渡し希望です🙌🏻 リプ・DMにてお待ちしております! #DIGNITY #디그니티 pic.x.com/0G3lFr6vrD
Here's the translation of the tweet: "DIGNITY 디그니티 Exchange Looking for: Hyunjin Polaroid Offering: Yeontan Luke Polaroid I can exchange for anything from previous Yeontan events. I hope to hand it over near the venue 🙌🏻 I’m waiting for replies or DMs! #DIGNITY #디그니티"
The translation of the tweet is: "DIGNITY Cheki exchange Offering: Image Looking for: Luke #디그니티 #DIGNITY #ディグニティ" (Note: "Cheki" refers to a type of instant photo, often used in fan culture for trading.)
The translation of the tweet is: "DIGNITY Cheki exchange. Offering: image. Seeking: Luke #디그니티 #DIGNITY"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "DIGNITY Photo Card Exchange Offering: Image 1 Looking for: [Animals] Priority: Luke, plain background [Suit] Images of Luo, Hyunjin, and the opposite of Luke [Casual Wear] Luke in a white T-shirt, Hyunjin in casual wear If anyone is able to exchange, please contact me! #DIGNITY #디그니티 #ディグニティ" pic.x.com/4TNaq6xscm
The tweet translates to: "DIGNITY Cheki exchange Offering: all images Looking for: Luke If anyone is able to exchange, please contact me ⊂( ᴖ ̫ᴖ)⊃⊂(ᴖ ̫ᴖ )⊃ It's a relaxed request - ̗̀ ෆ(。•⩊•ण #DIGNITY #디그니티 #ディグニティ" (Note: "Cheki" refers to a type of instant photo, often taken at events or with idols.)
The translation of the tweet is as follows: "Trading trading cards: Offering: Photos Looking for: - Minseok (white T-shirt) - Hyunjin (not in a white T-shirt) - Uniform - On (front view) - Animal pajamas - Luke - On DIGNITY dignity Luke" (Note: The last part seems to refer to the name "DIGNITY" and "Luke" in a stylized way, possibly related to a specific context or fandom.)