Coming soon ...
The translation of the tweet is: "That's right! Also, Doha = Nagyumin, Yujun = Cheongon, you know? 🤩 #Let'sThrowMarshmallows marshmallow-qa.com/messages/38bf3…"
BAE173 Starlightboys project7 スタボ プジェ トレカ 交換 買取 polarix close your eyes クルユア 譲) 以下画像の物 ビット,ミンジェ、ドハ、ヨンソ 求) 買取 お気軽にお声掛けください pic.x.com/wCMbvRAgDS
The tweet translates to: "241110 Starlight Boys fan meeting photo data for sale at a low price open.kakao.com/o/soI8eAUg Starlight Boys Lee Han-gyeol, Duan Xingxing, Noh Min-jae, Shin Cheo, Yoo Kwan-woo, Lee Jun-hyuk, Xiao Zi-heng, Sun Yinghao, Na Gyu-min, Do Ha, Yoo Jun, Jeong Geon, B.A.I.L.7.3 173 Ling Chi agent agent photo shoot Strize Starlight shining boys DATA Liu Guanyou, Duan Xingxing, Sun Yinghao, Shin Cheo, Shao Ziheng x.com/ohjee97/status…"
241110 스타라이즈보이즈 팬미팅 댈찍 사후데이터 싸게팝니다 open.kakao.com/o/soI8eAUg Starlightboys 이한결 뚜안싱싱 노민재 신처 유관우 이준혁 샤오쯔형 쑨잉하오 나규민 도하 유준 정건 비에이일칠삼 173 링치 대리 대리찍사 스트라이즈 星光闪耀的少年 DATA 刘冠佑 段星星 孙滢皓 新澈 邵子恒 x.com/ohjee97/status…
The tweet translates to: "BAE173 Starlightboys project7 Stabo Puje trading card exchange purchase polarix close your eyes Kuruyua Offering) The items in the images below: Bit, Minje, Doha, Yongso Looking for) Purchase Feel free to reach out!" (Note: The image link at the end is not translated as it refers to a visual element.)
The translation of the tweet is as follows: "BAE173 Starlightboys project7 Stabo Puje trading card exchange purchase polarix close your eyes Offering) The items in the images below: Yujun, Bit/Mingye, Doha, Yongso Looking for) Purchase Please feel free to reach out!"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "Starlightboys Starlight Boys Stabo Trading Card Exchange Purchase Offering images 1-4 Seeking PENTOR (Yang Siwei) > DOHA, FLOAT or purchase (price negotiable) Exchanges for selfies will be limited to the same type 🙇🏻♀️ Other items will be prioritized for exchange. Please feel free to reach out! (՞ . ̫ .՞)♡ pic.x.com/gLurCh0LTB"
The tweet translates to: "BAE173 Project 7 Starlight Boys photo card transfer (not publicly announced) Jimin, Jeon Minwook, Han Gyul, Yoojun, Jeong Geon, Youngseo, Yoo Youngseo, Mujin, Kim Hyunwoo, Junseo, Park Junseo, Doha, Na Gyumin, Minjae, Bit, Dohyun, Nam Dohyun Pushe, Stabo, Jeon Minwook, Yoo Youngseo, Park Junseo, Kim Hyunwoo open.kakao.com/o/sf6kZwue x.com/f57537/status/…" (Note: Some names may be stylized or have specific meanings in the context of the group or fandom.)
The tweet translates to: "The last Nagiumin finger heart blew me away 🔚"
The tweet translates to: "BAE173 Project 7 Starlight Boys photo card transfer (not publicly announced) Jimin, Jeon Minwook, Han Gyul, Yoojun, Jeong Geon, Youngseo, Yoo Youngseo, Mujin, Kim Hyunwoo, Junseo, Park Junseo, Doha, Na Gyumin, Minjae, Bit, Dohyun, Nam Dohyun Pushé Stabo Jeon Minwook Yoo Youngseo Park Junseo Kim Hyunwoo Talkport photo card open.kakao.com/o/sf6kZwue pic.x.com/G2f1rcY8D5" (Note: Some names may not have direct translations and are kept as is.)
The translation of the Japanese tweet text to English is as follows: "BAE173 Project 7 Starlight Boys photo card transfer not disclosed. Jimin, Jeon Minwook, Han Kyul, Yoojun, Jeong Geon, Youngseo, Yoo Youngseo, Mujin, Kim Hyunwoo, Junseo, Park Junseo, Doha, Na Gyumin, Minjae, Bit, Dohyun, Nam Dohyun. プシェ スタボ チョンミンウク ユヨンソ パクジュンソ キムヒョヌ open.kakao.com/o/sf6kZwue x.com/f57537/status/…" (Note: The text includes names of individuals and links, which have been retained as is.)
Here's the translation of the tweet: "StarlightBoys, shining boys of starlight. Stabo trading cards CARDFUN exchange/buy. Want: buy/Hangyul, Minje, Doha, Hong Seongmin, Lin Qi, Yang Donghwa. Offering: members in the image. If anyone is willing to buy or exchange, please feel free to reply 🙇♀️"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "[Starlight Boys Starlight Boys Stabo Trading Card Exchange Transfer] Offering: Selka (DO HA Michikawa / GUN WOO Kyun) Looking for: Selka (Rin / Hoshihoshi) or purchase Feel free to reach out from the search! Since the number of cards is limited, re-exchange is okay." (Note: "Selka" seems to refer to a specific type of card or character in this context.)
The tweet translates to: "BAE173 Starlightboys project7 Stabo Puje trading card exchange purchase polarix close your eyes Offering) The items in the images below: Yujun, Bit/Minjay, Doha, Junso, Yongso Looking for) Purchase Feel free to reach out!" (Note: The link at the end is likely an image link, which I cannot access.)