Coming soon ...
📢 20241230 Fans Camera with #Elyn 241230 Elyn rehearsal stage Dot Dot Dot © Peach Bunny (authorized) 📍youtu.be/Gn110g53tsU?si… GEN1ES 1ST COUNTDOWN #Gen1esCountdownatICONSIAM #Elyn #ElynLeong #อีลีน #梁愉苓 #Gen1es_Elyn #Gen1es
母国マレーシアで行われた創造営2025のオフイベに出演したGen1esのElyn pic.x.com/L9uPp0OOp4
パイリゥのストーリーにアップされてる羽根をもがれた妖精、そりゃパイリゥ傷ついてるやんな😢 ジニーズとそのファンたちが心穏やかに会える日が来てほしい。 そして日本にも来てね! Respect Pailiu Elyn #GEN1ESDeserveBetter pic.x.com/njvGCr4msQ
Elyn from Gen1es will also be appearing at the off-event for Sozoei 2025 taking place in Malaysia. She is friends with Alton Ang.
マレーシアで行われる創造営2025のオフイベにGen1esのElynも出演へ。彼女はAlton Angと友人の間柄 pic.x.com/Wtx8hyejPe x.com/wetvmalaysia/s…
The tweet translates to: "Elyn from Gen1es is supporting the trainees participating in Creation Camp 2025 from Malaysia."
The tweet translates to: "I got to know ChuangAsia and Gen1es thanks to Ru-chan from Garupla 👸🏻🎀 I admire Elyn-chan and Yuki-chan's faces and vibes 🤍 I'm also making progress with my Chinese studies!"
The tweet translates to: "I got to know ChuangAsia and Gen1es thanks to Ru-chan from Garupla 👸🏻🎀 I admire Elyn-chan and Yuki-chan's faces and vibes 🤍 I'm also making progress with my Chinese studies!"
ガルプラ出身るあんちゃんをきっかけに知ったChuangAsiaとGen1es👸🏻🎀Elynちゃん雪ちゃんのお顔も雰囲気も憧れるー🤍中国語学習も捗るね pic.x.com/dx7XR9xSQO
After watching the trainee video for "Sōzōei 2025," I noticed that Erin-chan from Gen1es, who is a senior, reacted as if she’s friends with them. Since the management is highlighting this, I wonder if Alton-kun is also being noticed by the management? x.com/AltonAng_Globa…
The translation of the tweet is: "I can't stop replaying this song, it's so cute! Stage EP6: RUAN & ELYN & YUAN KE & WANG SHENG XI & CAITH 'ZiGZaG'【CHUANG ASIA】 youtu.be/WlAILwuiRK0?si… via @YouTube"
创造101のテーマソングを踊るGen1esメンバー(Elyn、池間琉杏、Yean) pic.x.com/2g0DEhFRJC
Last week at Milan Fashion Week, next to TWICE's Sana, there was someone standing there!!! Could it be WIN-san? (on the right in the photo) WIN-san, the person who collaborated with ELYN, DUNA, YEAN, and others at CHUANG Asia 2024. The person who made LILIANA LI extremely embarrassed. Yeah! He's definitely handsome!! pic.twitter.com/dkqdYgj0t8
Compared to the purely Japanese show, "Chuang Asia" still has some parts that I can't quite grasp about everyone's personality. I know YEAN is always bright and kind 😂 ELYN is quite energetic with a baby-like charm 🍼 EMMA seems strong but surprisingly sensitive to tears? I had the impression that Wang Ke was a sexy older sister, but I still can't fully grasp her character.
Duna's captivating performance of "BE MINE" on CHUANG ASIA can be seen in the full video here 💁♂️ #CSR #Duna #CHUANG_ASIA Stage EP10: ELYN&XUANNING&PAILIU&YEAN&R-JING&DUNA "BE MINE"【CHUANG ASIA】 youtu.be/YunY2TPaUU0?si… @YouTube