The tweet translates to: "Is there anyone who can trade photo cards from the FANTASY BOYS album? 🥺 I can exchange for EXO or Billlie 😖 I have photo cards from the time of Sopan and right after their debut, but I haven't been keeping up since then 😭 I'm prioritizing Hikaru, Hanbin, and Minso, but I'm looking for anyone 😭😭"
FANTASY BOYSのアルバム、トレカ譲って下さる方いませんか🥺EXO、Billlieなら交換できます😖ソパンの時のとデビュー後すぐのグッズ?のトレカならあるんですけどその後追ってなかったんで😭ヒカルハンビンミンソ優先で誰でも求めてます😭😭
プジェとかスタボからFANTASY BOYSを知ってくれた𝑵𝒆𝒘バンディのみなさんが、光(ヒカリ)と光(ヒカル)の壁にぶつかるのかと思うとにやけが止まりません😽😽😽かわいいかりかるのことをよろしくお願いします本当に240630インスタライブを見て下さい
プジェもスタボも泣けてしまった〜 少年ファンタジーもみてたんだけど、 またサバ番でると知って応援してたけど、なんだか悲しい😭 ボイプラ2にヒカルも出るって本当なのかな?
fantasy boys ヨントン 枠 交換 パンボ 下記メンバーとギュレ枠を交換してくだる方を探してます😢 譲】ヒカル ヒカリ ソンミン ケイダン ミンソ 詳細等はdmまでお願いします📨
fantasy boys パンボ 交換 サインポラ チェキ 譲 240406 ヨントン ポラ ソンミン 求 ヒカル ポラ (2.3集) お気軽にリプ、dmお願いします🙇🏻♀️
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Fantasy boys Pambo Yonton frame exchange make sunshine new tomorrow. Frame transfer conversation, recording, video. [Offering] 1/11 Yonton (Minso, Hikari, Rinchi, Hikaru, Songmin, Hyuntee, Gyure, Keidan) [Looking for] purchase. Please DM with your price offer. Transaction method to be discussed. Experienced multiple times with other group’s home country pens and Yonton."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Exchange FANTASYBOYS YonTon face-to-face slot exchange FANTASY BOYS Panbo Poi Offering: Minso, Hanbin, Hikari, Linchi, Songmin, Hyuntee, Gyure, Keidan Looking for: Hikaru I have multiple slots available. There may be cases where face-to-face ⇔ YonTon is possible. I am seriously looking for an exchange 🥲 If anyone has any leads, I would appreciate it if you could contact me via DM."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Fantasy boys Pambo Yonton frame exchange make sunshine new tomorrow. Frame transfer conversation, recording, video. [Offering] 1/11 Minso, Hikari, Rinchi, Hikaru, Songmin, Hyuntee, Gyure, Keidan. [Looking for] purchase or exchange with Hanbin. Please DM with your price offer. I have experience with multiple group fan meetings in the home country."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Exchange FANTASYBOYS YonTon face-to-face slot exchange FANTASY BOYS Panbo Poi Offering: Minso, Hanbin, Hikari, Rinchi, Songmin, Hyuntee, Gyure, Keidan Looking for: Hikaru I have multiple slots available. There may be cases where face-to-face ⇔ YonTon is possible. I am seriously looking for an exchange 🥲 If anyone has any leads, I would be grateful if you could contact me via DM."
"Is there anyone who can tell me what Hikaru-kun from Fantasy Boys is doing...???"
fantasy boysのヒカルくん何してるか教えてくださる方いらっしゃいますか、、???
ミンソハンビン、リンチーソンミンが所属している「FANTASY BOYS」には、ヒカリのほかに「ヒカル」という日本人がいます。優しくて個性的な歌声とパフォーマンスも実力があります✨✨ In "FANTASY BOYS," besides Hikari, there is a Japanese named "Hikaru." Hanbin Minseo and Sungmin Lingqi… pic.x.com/I7GdFiYqH0
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I can't help but smile when I think about the New Band members who got to know FANTASY BOYS through Puje and Stabo, and how they will face the wall of Hikari and Hikaru 😽😽😽 Please take care of the cute Karikaru! Really, please watch the Instagram live on 240630!"
"I did a double take at the letters of Fantasy Boys after a long time. Are they coming out? Will they be appearing? Does this mean that aside from the people with the server numbers, the five of them—Sok, Hikaru, Gyure, K, and Hyun Tae—will be appearing together? Really?"