福地 正さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 洋服リメイク、ダンス、歌 |
特技 | ダンス、ピアノ |
コメント | ある日僕は、こう思いました。「いつかレッドカーペットを歩きたい!」そして今、PRODUCE 101 JAPANのオーデションに参加できてとても光栄に思っています。とてつもなくでかい夢ですが、僕が最後の11人に選ばれてデビューをしたら、世界の人から日本のアーティストは「この人たちだ!」って言われるような存在になりたいです。そうなるように努力を必死にします!!頑張ってデビューするぞ!!(レッドカーペットも歩く) |
Coming soon ...
私の中海ぶどういまだに福地正なんだよな #JO1ANNX #JO1 @official_jo1 pic.x.com/Xo7ShwRqtu
日プの箱の中身当てるゲームで、福地くんがセットを壊しちゃった時に、Juniくんがさっと立ち上がって直しに行ってたよね? 当時見ていて、こういう人大好き!!!ってなったのを思い出したのですyoutu.be/3HPA5tgbBH4?si… (動画2:45頃〜)
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Watching Sho's solo concert on #Lemino♪ I was deeply moved by his powerful yet gentle singing voice that wraps everything in warmth 🥹 I cried my eyes out at the promise that expresses Sho's feelings 😭 Thank you for taking on the challenge of Produce 101 😌 #YONASHIROSHO #JO1 【YONASHIRO SHO】 #LAPOSTA 2025 SHOW PRODUCED by YONASHIRO SHO [ Day by day ] lemino.docomo.ne.jp/contents/Y3JpZ…"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "[Yonashiro Sho] Support Camera | ♬ Black Out @ Concept Battle | PRODUCE 101 JAPAN youtu.be/UihAF1s0Mn4?si... I feel like I have to post this."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "By the way, I suddenly remembered that Masashi Fukuchi (now A.rik of ENJIN), who appeared on 'Nippon Produce', had such an adorable Okinawan dialect, and I watched this video a lot back then, haha. If you want to enjoy his cute Okinawan dialect, you should definitely check it out!"
The translation of the tweet is: "We loved Fukuchi Masashi's Tsukame back then and we still love it now."
The translation of the tweet is: "Fukuchi MasakunーーーーーーーAhhh, I can't take it, it's too tough, he's being mischievous!"
"Last night before going to bed, I was watching a lot of Produce You videos and really savoring the fact that these two have been together since Shikupa 🤲🏻 It's so emotional that they've been together from the beginning. [𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐉] COVER: 'Just Don't Know It Yet' – SHO & JUNKI (Original by New Ho... youtu.be/xSqk-OIjnJY?si… via @YouTube"
The translation of the tweet is: "I already got teary-eyed at the start of the song. There are many people who are good at singing, but whether it resonates in the heart is a different story. Seriously, thank you for auditioning for 'Nippon' and debuting (how many times have I said this?). [𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐉] COVER: 'Just Don't Know It Yet' – SHO & JUNKI (Original by New Ho... youtu.be/xSqk-OIjnJY?si…"
The tweet translates to: "Even though we have a relationship from 'Nippon Produce,' why does it feel like we've been together since we were born? 😭 [𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐉] COVER: 'Just Don't Know It Yet' – SHO & JUNKI (Original by New Hop... youtu.be/ewgClroTy70?si… via @YouTube"
"I'm rewatching 'Produce 101 Japan' and I just realized something that feels really late, but I wonder if Yonashiro-san dancing to 'Rockin' is influenced by Kenta? 【Sato Keigo VS Yonashiro Sho】 Pedometer Dance Battle | PRODUCE 101 JAPAN youtu.be/US1dMhuZF90?si… @YouTube"
"Isn't Masashi Fukuchi cool⁉️⁉️⁉️ Masashi Fukuchi is so cool‼️‼️‼️"
The translation of the tweet is: "I'm eating Maruchan Seimen while watching 'Nippon Produce'."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Enjin past trading cards and CDs for purchase and exchange. 【Offering】 Images 【Looking for】 Purchase >>> JO1 related. I hope for shipping and PayPay transfer. Please feel free to reach out 🙇🏻♀️ #EnjinPurchase #JO1Exchange 🔎 A.rik RYONO TSUBASA HYUGA TOY TAIGA SOL KYO Masaru Fukuchi Ryozu Kusachi Tsubasa Takizawa Hinata Nakatani Nobuaki Taiga Nakamoto Sol Miyazato Yasushi Yamada pic.x.com/oOgw4Dc5qY"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Enjin past trading cards and CDs for purchase and exchange. 【Offering】 Images 【Looking for】 Purchase >>> JO1 related. I hope to do this via mail and PayPay transfer. Please feel free to reach out 🙇🏻♀️ #EnjinPurchase #JO1Exchange 🔎 A.rik RYONO TSUBASA HYUGA TOY TAIGA SOL KYO Masashi Fukuchi Ryozu Kusachi Tsubasa Takizawa Hinata Nakatani Nobuaki Taiga Nakamoto Sol Miyazato Yasushi Yamada pic.x.com/8dMWBCc1Hy"