福島 零士さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 80年代邦楽、絵を描くこと |
特技 | どこでも寝られる |
Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "I wonder if Nishiyama-kun has deeper interactions with people who create music, like Reiji-kun from NIPPON, MIZUKI-kun from WARPs, and Sean-kun from ASY."
Amazon 胡蝶蘭専門店らんや 生花 白大輪胡蝶蘭 3本立ち 24~27輪程度(満開保証) 【配送停止】北海道、青森、秋田、岩手、山形、福島、長野、山梨【配送不可】沖縄、離島/「法人向け」 胡蝶蘭 就任 開店 などのお祝いから「個人向け」 ギフト 誕生日 プ amazon.co.jp/dp/B0CKVJT9DY?…
Amazon Phalaenopsis Orchid Specialty Store Ranya Fresh Flowers White Large-Flowered Phalaenopsis Orchid 3 Stems Approximately 24-27 Blooms (Blooming Guarantee) 【Delivery Suspended】 Hokkaido, Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Yamagata, Fukushima, Nagano, Yamanashi 【Not Deliverable】 Okinawa, Remote Islands / "For Corporations" Phalaenopsis Orchids for Celebrations such as Appointments and Openings, as well as "For Individuals" Gifts for Birthdays. [Link]
The tweet translates to: "I clearly remember Leiji Matsumoto, but I wonder why I couldn't find Tomoki back then in the country."
The translation of the tweet is: "2025.3.2 #KENTHE390LIVE2025 ♪ In-Fight / KENTHE390 feat. roomR REIJI-kun cam👾❤️🔥 #roomR #MaisonB #REIJI #ReijiFukushima" (Note: "REIJI-kun" is a term of endearment, where "kun" is often used for boys or younger males.)
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I'm posting this because Reiji-kun from last year's Anything Goes is just too cute 🫶 (I probably didn't post it on X) I love how he greets the customers with a kind smile and says 'hey!' 🫶 His visuals are also just amazing, I love him so much 😖🫶 #MaisonB #roomR #REIJI #FukushimaReiji #Kenzawanman"
Amazon 胡蝶蘭専門店らんや 生花 白大輪胡蝶蘭 3本立ち 24~27輪程度(満開保証) 【配送停止】北海道、青森、秋田、岩手、山形、福島、長野、山梨【配送不可】沖縄、離島/「法人向け」 胡蝶蘭 就任 開店 などのお祝いから「個人向け」 ギフト 誕生日 プ amazon.co.jp/dp/B0CKVJT9DY?…
Amazon Phalaenopsis Orchid Specialty Store "Ranya" Fresh Flowers White Large-Crowned Phalaenopsis Orchid 3 Stems Approximately 24-27 Blooms (Bloom Guarantee) 【Delivery Suspended】 Hokkaido, Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Yamagata, Fukushima, Nagano, Yamanashi 【Delivery Not Available】 Okinawa, Remote Islands / "For Corporations" Phalaenopsis Orchids for Celebrations such as Appointments and Openings, as well as "For Individuals" Gifts for Birthdays. [Link] amazon.co.jp/dp/B0CKVJT9DY?…
The tweet translates to: "I haven't dug up any information at all, but did Nishiyama-kun go to America with Fukushima-kun!? I was aware he was credited in the song!! Have they been close since Produce?"
The tweet translates to: "Last year’s 🥰 I want to read Reiji-kun's article this year too ❤️ x.com/birthday_ad_jp… #MaisonB #roomR #REIJI #FukushimaReiji #BirthdayJAPAN #MonthlyFavoriteRanking x.com/birthday_ad_jp…"
Amazon 胡蝶蘭専門店らんや 生花 白大輪胡蝶蘭 3本立ち 24~27輪程度(満開保証) 【配送停止】北海道、青森、秋田、岩手、山形、福島、長野、山梨【配送不可】沖縄、離島/「法人向け」 胡蝶蘭 就任 開店 などのお祝いから「個人向け」 ギフト 誕生日 プ amazon.co.jp/dp/B0CKVJT9DY?…
Amazon Phalaenopsis Orchid Specialty Store "Ranya" Fresh Flowers White Large Flowering Phalaenopsis Orchid 3 Stems Approximately 24-27 Blooms (Blooming Guarantee) 【Delivery Suspended】 Hokkaido, Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Yamagata, Fukushima, Nagano, Yamanashi 【Not Deliverable】 Okinawa, Remote Islands / "For Corporations" Phalaenopsis Orchids for Celebrations such as Appointments and Openings, as well as "For Individuals" Gifts for Birthdays. [Link]