秦 健豪さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 歌を歌うこと、人前で何かをすること、ヨガ、公園で踊ること |
特技 | 歌を歌うこと、人を元気にさせること、お芝居 |
コメント | 世間で言えば、僕は身長が小さい方だと思います。ですが、誰かに元気や笑顔を与えたい気持ちは誰よりも大きい自信があります!このオーディションを通して1人でも多くの人達の元気と笑顔を生み出そうと思います! |
Coming soon ...
F.entartainment December 2024 performance #Ainzatz ~The Promised Christmas~ 🎥 Stage footage released!! From the grand finale
仕事終わって職場出て2秒でタイヤパンク 、そして修理屋待って2時間経過しようとしている 。疲れたお腹空いた帰りたい😭 の気持ちで押しつぶされそうなので健豪くん見て心落ち着かせてる 。 #秦健豪
"Just finished work and stepped out of the office, and in 2 seconds, I got a flat tire. Now I've been waiting for the repair guy for almost 2 hours. I'm exhausted, hungry, and just want to go home 😭 I'm feeling overwhelmed, so I'm watching Ken Go to calm myself down. #KenGoHata"
The new Mamoru Ichirou, Kengo Hata-kun, has a name that I feel like I've seen a lot, but I couldn't remember where... I was surprised to find out today that he was a contestant from "Nijisanji Produce." I remember him~~!
The translation of the tweet is: "Huh, wait, Qin Jianhao?"
Musical "Nintama Rantarou" 15th installment 🔻 Other cast members mdpr.jp/news/4493771 🥷 Kihachiro Ayabe role: Makoto Otani continues 🥷 Yashamaru Hirataki role: Ryosuke Nishioka Mikiemon Tamura role: Yu Okiya Ichiro Hamamori role: Kengo Hata Takamaru Saito role: Nao Kawaguchi pic.x.com/W4UcgGPpQS
The translation of the tweet is: "Huh!? Wait a minute, was Hata-kun on 'Nippon Produce'!?!?!?!"
1000RP: 【Announcement】The 15th installment of the musical "Nintama Rantarou" is starting! The cast has been revealed. For the fourth-year cast, Makoto Otani will continue in the role of Kihachiro Ayabe, Ryosuke Nishioka will play Yashamaru Hirataki, Yu Okiya will take on the role of Mikie Tamura, Kengo Hata will play Ichiro Hamamori, and Nao Kawaguchi has been newly cast as Takamaru Saito. pic.x.com/BNFegWwGTP
The tweet translates to: "@note If I'm not mistaken, the new Hamamori Ichirou, Kaito-kun, is the trainee from 'Nippon Produce' (NipPro) without a label, right!? I'm really happy because I really liked Lemon....!!!"
I looked up the ages of the new fourth-year students in the Shinobi Musical (no honorifics). Ayabe Kihachiro: Makoto Otani (33) Hamataki Yashamaru: Ryosuke Nishioka (22) Tamura Mikieemon: Yu Okiya (24) Hamamori Ichiro: Kengo Hata (23) Saito Takamaru: Nao Kawaguchi (27) All the new cast members are so young!!! I'm excited!!!!
The translation of the tweet is: "Huh!? Qin Jianhao!? (This is not a retweet)"
【Announcement】The musical "Nintama Rantarou" is launching its 15th installment! The cast has been revealed. For the fourth-year student roles, Makoto Otani will continue as Kihachiro Ayabe, Ryosuke Nishioka has been cast as Yashamaru Hirataki, Yu Okiya will play Mikie Tamura, Kengo Hata will take on the role of Ichiro Hamamori, and Nao Kawaguchi has been newly cast as Takamaru Saito.
"Shin-kun!?? The kid who was super good at singing 'Lemon' on Produce 101 Japan!????"