服部 息吹さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | サッカー、ダンスを見ること |
特技 | 笑顔で誰よりも楽しそうに歌い踊ること |
Coming soon ...
今年フェリーに2回乗船したのですが() 服部息吹くん探すぞー‼️ってなったのにチキってしてないし、なんならずっとすっぴんで船内冒険して、ご飯もぼっちでコンビニのちゃんぽんすすってた時あったから、逆に見ないでほしいでした‼️ てか、フェリーじゃなくて、豪華客船の方でしょ服部息吹は😤
小林大悟、イダウルが出てきたから服部息吹がそろそろ出てくる。2025年だから。 x.com/dr7hi/status/1…
This year, I took the ferry twice, and I thought, "I'm going to look for Ibuki Hattori‼️" but I ended up being too chicken to do it. In fact, I was wandering around the ship without any makeup on and there were times when I was eating alone, slurping down convenience store champon, so I actually wanted them not to see me‼️ By the way, it's not a ferry; it's a luxury cruise ship where Ibuki Hattori is, right? 😤
"When I was watching Minowa from Kingyo Banchou, it reminded me of Ikki Hattori from Produce 101 Japan Season 2. They have a similar vibe."
The translation of the tweet is: "Daigo Kobayashi, Toshiji Koike, Ibuki Hattori, please appear on 'Boys Planet'."
The translation of the tweet is: "To Ibuki Hattori, what is the sea like in November?"
It seems that a memo I was writing while watching "Nippon Produce 2" has come out, and I had written out the entire part about Ibuki Hattori's loco moco, but I seriously don't understand it at all. What even is this? pic.x.com/V6j135wOnE
Even after the end of Nippon Professional Baseball, they kept talking about Hattori Ibuki, and even now, they keep talking about Haru even though Voice Player has long since ended.
Parutan has come here and breathed life into the spirits of Nippon Professional Baseball.