服部 息吹さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | サッカー、ダンスを見ること |
特技 | 笑顔で誰よりも楽しそうに歌い踊ること |
Coming soon ...
It seems that a memo I was writing while watching "Nippon Produce 2" has come out, and I had written out the entire part about Ibuki Hattori's loco moco, but I seriously don't understand it at all. What even is this? pic.x.com/V6j135wOnE
日プ2見ながら書いてたらしいメモが出てきたんだけど服部息吹のロコモコのくだり全文を書き出しててガチで意味わからん 本当に何 pic.x.com/V6j135wOnE
Even after the end of Nippon Professional Baseball, they kept talking about Hattori Ibuki, and even now, they keep talking about Haru even though Voice Player has long since ended.
Parutan has come here and breathed life into the spirits of Nippon Professional Baseball.