堀 蒼太さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | ダンス、カフェ、温泉巡り |
特技 | 変なイラストを描く |
Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "Hori-san's Produce 101 uniform is just too cute!"
"From ANGERME → Momona → Nizi Project → Momoka → Nonoga → THE FIRST, I’ve arrived here and I'm trembling at SOTA's intense gaze. I’ve only seen up to the third round, but even while watching THE FIRST, I thought CHIKA-chan has a monstrous amount of energy and singing ability. In the third round, NAOKO felt a bit overshadowed compared to CHANMINA, but I remembered how she awakened from the fourth round."
アンジュルム→桃奈→日プ→百花→ノノガ→THE FIRSTと辿り着いて、SOTAの眼差しの強さに震えてる。3次までしか見てないけど、THE FIRST見ててもCHIKAちゃんって化物みたいなエネルギー量の歌唱力してるんだなって思った。3次だとNAOKOがちゃんみな的には埋もれ気味で4次から覚醒したの思い出した。
In order, Kurumi Hori 💜 → Konoha Yotsuba 💚 → Kaede Nagahara 🧡 → Tsukino Nishimura 💛, my favorites have consecutively quit being idols in a very short period of time, and just as I started going to their events, everything has disbanded. I was thinking about what I was doing around this time last year without having any favorites, and it turns out I was crying while watching "Produce." Audition shows during times when my mental health was in shambles are really heartbreaking.
The tweet translates to: "In the Japan Project, the fact that only Katoka and Kagu are still not idols as finalists is tough. Can we create idols under the supervision of Miu Hori?"
I was originally thinking of checking out today's New Japan Pro-Wrestling stream featuring Hori-kun, and when I saw Beno's story, it said you can listen to a new song on the stream! I was impressed by the way they are guiding us...!
The tweet translates to: "Hori is getting involved with someone who smells burnt again (they're my favorite member from the Japanese project), and it's hilarious."
"Alright, I'm going to work on my assignments‼️ I have an early shift at my part-time job, but I'm quitting at the end of next month anyway‼️ Before that, I thought I'd check Instagram‼️ And then I ended up seeing something about Hori related to the 'Produce 101 Japan' girls."
The translation of the tweet is: "Ohhh 🥹 If it's Japan's Produce 2, I want Masaya or Furuse-kun to teach me dancing." [PROJECT 7] Fukuyama Sota | Run (Up to you) Solo Cam youtu.be/tf6yPK_rRCQ?si… @YouTube pic.x.com/Rnq1zQqn6k
"I honestly don't care if Tsurubo is dating Hori, but I just don't like that his visuals are so far removed from the national treasure-level visuals he had during Produce 101."
"I think Hori-kun probably took the 00 (audition)~~ I was shocked that he couldn't surpass the broadcast line during Produce, but I'm happy to see him having fun!"
#MusicDay The ponytail girl who danced as the center of the AKB48 group, Yua Yamaguchi (15 years old), is a student of DA PUMP's KENZO. Other students include Da-iCE, JO1's Ren Kawashiri, B-First's SOTA, and IS's Yuki Tanaka. The video of her dancing to "Little Devil" from the "Produce 101 Japan" girls is incredibly good and amazing! When she gets up, it feels like she doesn't feel gravity at all, it's incredible... x.com/6AgagzYHDArjuy…
The member I knew before I got into JO1 from Nizi Project girls was Tsurubo (because I heard rumors that Horie was hinting at it).
I'm watching Shikupura and Kobori from the Nippon Professional Baseball era on TikTok for the first time in a while, and I'm crying in the middle of the night. I'm Kobori who received energy. Let's do our best in life! 💪🏼
Ahh, I'm looking forward to tomorrow~ I'm excited for finally meeting Fantachan, being able to see Sotaso's face up close, watching Sawaka's dance, seeing Hori Natsu's style, I'm super excited! Plus, MiiAii, who we've been supporting since Nippon TV, will be there, our youth Zail-san will be there, and the Morii brothers will be there too. I'm so excited~ 🥹💞💞