趣味 | ガールズグループのMVを観ること / Watching girl group music videos |
特技 | ベトナム語 / 関節を曲げること / Vietnamese / Joint cracking |
コメント | いちごのように甘酸っぱい魅力的ガール / A charmer so bubbly and sweet like a strawberry |
Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "Uta Mi Shuin En Tsu⁉️" The text appears to be a play on words or a name, and without additional context, it may not have a direct translation. The link seems to lead to an image, which could provide more context.
ウータミーシュイニエンツー⁉️ pic.x.com/Vhm1qPuZBM
The translation of the tweet is: "I was waiting for the ear monitor with one hand! 💦💦💦"
"Looking at it positively, our Shuai Nian-Tzu (Xu Nianzi) was chosen for VV and also for aria, and it was written that they were great at live rap. Isn't that genius? Plus, they're half Taiwanese and half Vietnamese, so their native language isn't Korean. That's genius, right?"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "GalPura C Group Showdown 🏃♀️🏃♀️💨 #tripleS Nien vs #Kep1er Shaoting The 0.09-second difference is clearly visible even in the official photos! Shaoting-senpai is amazing 👍 Shei Nien is our pride 🍓👏🌊 #tripleS #트리플에스 #トリプルS #トエス #トリプルエス"
ガルプラCグループ対決🏃♀️🏃♀️💨 #tripleS ニエン vs #Kep1er シャオティン 0.09秒差は公式写真でもよくわかる超僅差❗️ シャオティン先輩すごい👍 シェイ•ニエンツーうちらの誇りです🍓👏🌊 #tripleS #트리플에스 #トリプルS #トエス #トリプルエス pic.x.com/ejgzsj9sdw x.com/lash_triples/s…
Shuizuin-chan, who appeared in Galpla, I follow on Instagram, but I don't know what she's doing now, but when I see her dancing, I wish she had made her debut.
Happy BirthDay #HSUNIENTZU🎉🎉 #Shuini Entzu, happy birthday✨✨ Shuini Entzu is 21 years old😘 kpopjuice.com/member/hsu_nie… #Happy_HSUNIENTZU_day #HappyHSUNIENTZUday #GirlsPlanet999
Sakurai and Ikema made their debut, Kotone Shuinen won first place, and Yuda Yonkamu made a comeback, but how are the ghosts of GalPra doing? (lol)
It's a hot topic on Twitter, but I only know that there are Gulpura trainees. Are there Koton-chan, Nientsu, and Shin Yu?
It's Chien Tzu Ling who appeared in Galpla, right? I predicted Taiwan correctly, but what was the meaning of keeping it a secret...? 😅
I'm on Instagram as jungkookjeon7287. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=i3pj1rcucdbn&utm_content=rcr1qqq