今西 正彦さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 音楽を聴くこと、SNSを見ること、自撮りすること |
特技 | ダンス |
コメント | 11人に選ばれて、誰よりもキラキラ輝いてデビューできるように頑張ります! |
Coming soon ...
Here's the translation of the tweet: "DreamGate CD HMV trading cards exchange 【Offering】 GATE:A TOMO GATE:B HICO 【Looking for】 GATE:B MINATO Inoue Minato or purchase Ando Masaki TOMO Tomoaki Imanishi Masahiko HICO #BUGVELexchange #ORβITexchange #HICOexchange #DreamGate01exchange #DreamGateexchange #ドリゲexchange" (Note: The hashtags are left untranslated as they are typically used as is.)
Today's trend: Masahiko Imanishi's tears for a hat trick (physically) #HokkeBuRaponeNiwakaClub
本日のトレンド 今西正彦の涙でハットトリック(物理的) #ほとけ部ラポネにわか同好会
The tweet translates to: "Sato Takashi-kun, who is sandwiched between the very cute jumping Miyajima Yushin-kun and Imanishi Masahiko-kun, is being mischievous with his whole body, and it's a different type of very cute..."
The translation of the tweet is: "Can Masahiko Imanishi and Hichon make it to the finals? I haven't been able to watch at all yet."
The tweet translates to: "I'm currently studying for the 'Nippon Produce' (Nippon Produce 101) program, and I really like Masahiko Imanishi."
I wonder if Hiko is doing well. Since he is forever a ghost of Muji, I can't help but worry about Masahiko Imanishi's well-being. Shunya Osawa, alongside Honda's brother, is one of my top three favorites. I hope everyone is living happily.
The translation of the tweet text is: "Masahiko Imanishi, Japan's Song Han-bin."
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 【Imanishi Masahiko】 Osaka l~ It's Coming~ l Support Camera youtu.be/W7xVZ8dOGOI?si… from @YouTube
The translation of the tweet is: "I searched for Masahiko Imanishi and found this cute one."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "By the way ^_^ Here’s a video of Ren Kawajiri feeling shy during the third screening, and Masahiko Imanishi comforting him."
"I'm crying because I'm so nostalgic about the takoyaki content I've been waiting for, but right now← Here is Ren Kawajiri doing an impression of Masahiko Imanishi."
I just saw JO1's profile picture, and Ki-kun said, "Is this the kid who was dancing to Perfume in a straw hat?" It was really funny that he confused Hiko (Masahiko Imanishi) with Kimata!
"I finally started watching 'Nippon Project' (NipPuro), but I paused after the level division test with Masahiko Imanishi in F. Is this a wall I need to overcome? 😭 Maybe I should just start with 'NipPuro 2'? 😭😭"