Why should it be ranked so low? When he is the best singer and rapper?
Why should it be ranked so low? When he is the best singer and rapper?
I love Jay, he is the best singer
Jay our mood maker!! Please always take good care of yourself and put yourself first. Engenes won't go anywhere🤗
Ur sooooo fucking handsomeeeee ilyyyyyysmmmmmm
Jay, How are you? I hope you had enough rest from all the amazing tours you've been. Your performance and stage presence are always mesmerizing and soo cool. <3 You shine the most when you are happy and performing. You are so cool Jay. I really love your voice and passion for music ^_^. I'm so happy to watch you in every stages and also seeing you happy and enjoying every moment <3. You are the most handsome and even more when you smile (blushhhhh <3) Thank you for making me so happy and all of us Engenes Jay ^_^ <3. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH Park Jongseong!!!! <3 Thank you for always making my life brighter Jay ^_^ . With all my heart, I wish you all the best and success in life. Take care of yourself, Our Amazing Charming Cool and Our Only Jay , Park Jongseong ^_^ <3.
Jayyy you made it🥺 fighting!!! And don't be too hard on yourself SARANGHE!!! I will always and forever support you
Jay, How are you? I hope you are doing well. It must be tough, right?, but you have always done a great job. Otsukaresama-desu. ^_^
You are so cool always and amazing :) We are so proud of you Jay. <3 So please don't forget to take care of yourself and enjoy life. You deserve all the love and happiness the world has to offer. :)
Thank you for inspiring me Jay. You are the first artist that moved my heart and I keep looking forward to. You are the reason I became an Engene(May2024). You have made my life lighter and happier with your voice and presence. So I am always and forever grateful to you. I don't know if you can read this message but I will keep on cheering for you through letters. :)
I, Engenes and all the people who loves you will always support and cheer for you Jay. :) So please live long, keep inspiring people with your passion and enjoy life. :) Gambarimasu!
engene always love you jay!
I will support you ALWAYS!!🦋
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ENHYPEN トレカ交換 譲)ジョンウォン ヒスン ジェイ ジェイク ソンフン ソヌ ニキ 求) ジェイク 未所持多いので何でも検討します >< 郵送希望です📮 お気軽にお声かけお願いいたします🙇🏻 #ENHYPEN交換 #ENHYPENトレカ交換 #ENHYPEN買取 pic.x.com/SC3GNqfx7S
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ENHYPEN エナプ トレカ 交換 同異種 求:ソヌ(リプのもの) 譲:ジョンウォン、ヒスン、ジェイ、ジェイク、ソンフン、ニキ 郵送📮同日発送 難しい場合♡です🙏🏻 気軽にお声掛けください❕ #ENHYPEN #トレカ交換 #ENHYPEN交換 pic.x.com/ITV4NOekqc
メルカリに出品されている韓国アイドルグッズなどを多数紹介中!!!PR 商品名: ENHYPEN トレカ ジェイ 販売価格: 333円 jp.mercari.com/item/m35803293…
ENHYPENヘアゴムのガチャガチャが満タンになったのを見たので、ソヌが出たらモモちゃんに送ろうと思ってやってみたところ、JAYでしたᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ pic.x.com/NFvykhK3Sw
ENHYPEN エナプ ガチャガチャ カプセルトイ カプセルヘアゴム 交換 譲)ジェイ ソヌ 求)ジョンウォン ソヌ出し惜しみの為ジェイと交換可能な方優先 郵送交換📮 お心当たりのある方はリプお願いいたします🙇♀️ #ENHYPEN交換 pic.x.com/8bySQLy5ig
💖ENHYPENの圧倒的ビジュアルが話題沸騰💖 ELLE KOREA 4月号、今すぐチェック!📖✨《PR》 いますぐチェック👇 qoo10.jp/su/1436755493/… ヒスン ジェイ ジェイク ソンフン ソヌ ジョンウォン ニキ #エンハイプン
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ENHYPEN ガチャガチャ ガシャポン クリアファイル 譲》ジョンウォン2、ヒスン、ジェイ、ソンフン、ソヌ4 求》集合、ニキまたは定価+送料 送料の関係で交換はまとめてのお取り引きを優先、ジョンウォンは迷っているため交換のみで考えております🙇🏻♀️
メルカリに出品されている韓国アイドルグッズなどを多数紹介中!!!PR 商品名: ENHYPEN ジェイ daydream トレカ 販売価格: 555円 jp.mercari.com/item/m26408535…
メルカリに出品されている韓国アイドルグッズなどを多数紹介中!!!PR 商品名: ENHYPEN 一番くじ ぬいぐるみ トレカケース Jay ジェイ 販売価格: 3399円 jp.mercari.com/item/m89579786…
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