チョ ウヌさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
The translation of the tweet is: "What can you do??? I don't feel any growth compared to when you were in 'Voice Planet'... I really hope you can learn from Shincho's growth."
女神降臨でもウヌ目的でイニョプ好きなったし、ボイプラもハンビン目的でゴヌク好きなったし、花男も松潤目的で小栗好きなったのでやはりあたしは2番手男子が好き x.com/gunwoo0110/sta…
The tweet translates to: "Even with the goddess's descent, I became a fan of Inyo for the purpose of Unu, and I became a fan of Gonuk for the purpose of Hanbin in Boys Planet. I also started liking Oguri for the purpose of Matsujun in Hana Yori Dango, so I guess I really do like the second male lead."
The translation of the tweet is: "I'm also looking into JO1 and INI from Japan, but Roy-kun looks more like a BOY PLANET type. I really didn't know anything... Thank you for expanding my world as a fan of Roy-kun."
While I was looking at the challenge songs for "BoiPura," I remembered how I watched all the "Produce" seasons while being introduced to JO1 members. I'm listening to the challenge songs from "Produce" now; it's a bit nostalgic.
ボイプラの課題曲見てたら布教してもらいながらjo1のメンバーが選出されるプデュ全部見たの思い出して プデュの課題曲流してみてる ちょっと懐かしい
The tweet translates to: "But you know, the reason there are so many Roy fans' spirits floating around is that everyone thinks this kid is definitely going to pass, like Momona from MiI, Mame-chan from JO1, or Hanbin from BOY PLAN. I think it's because they were eliminated for reasons that are hard to understand. Even if it's about looking for companions. #TypePro"
でもさこんなにロイ担の亡霊がウヨウヨしてるのってさ サバ番でこの子は絶対に合格であろうって全員思ってるような子ミーアイのももなとかjo1の豆ちゃんとかボイプラのハンビン君とかそんな子がよくわからない理由で落とされたからってのはあると思う 仲間探しとは言えさ #タイプロ
The tweet translates to: "Sooyoon, who participated in writing the title track, was my former favorite, and I once talked about wanting them to write a JO1 song someday, so I'm crying seeing thisㅠㅠ They are the drummer of the Korean band Royal Pirates and are currently active as a lyricist under FNC! They have provided songs for projects like Produce 101 Japan Season 2, Boys Planet, CNBLUE, etc... They're a handsome guy! Please remember them from now on! #JO1_BE_CLASSIC #JO1"
表題曲に作詞で参加してるSooyoon 元推しでいつかJO1の曲書いてねって話したからこれ見て泣いてるㅠㅠ 韓国のバンドRoyal Piratesのドラマーで今はFNC所属の作詞家として活動してます! 日プ2やボイプラ課題曲、CNBLUE等…曲提供しているイケメンです!以後お見知りおきを!#JO1_BE_CLASSIC #JO1 pic.x.com/yDUomd7kSK
The tweet translates to: "The fact that LAPOSTA is at this time must be due to CJ's intentions. It's clear that it has changed a lot since the days when it was just JO1 and INI. I wonder if a group from BOY PLAN 2 will come next year."
The tweet translates to: "With BOY PLAN 2 starting, CJ has no intention of selling JO1 to the world at all. They just want to make money."
The tweet translates to: "All the groups were great at the live viewing, and it was really fun. I participated in all the voting, including for BOY PLAN, so I was able to match most of the names with the faces. What I am certain of is that I have to be with JO1. 🌺🦊👑🌱🦒🍓🐰🍮✈️👽🐶 #LAPOSTA2025 #JO1 @official_jo1"
The tweet translates to: "When I had a rain accessory on my bag, the KIOSK staff asked me, 'That's cute! Are you an idol or something?' I replied, 'It's an idol called JO1⭐️' and they were like, 'Laposta!?' Since that person was a Zeroz, we talked about how I also watched Boy Planet before leaving the store. 🌈🌈🌈🌈 So happy ( ´˘` )🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈"