The tweet translates to: "A shocking surprise in the K-POP world...! The first American girl group 'VCHA' has released a single... NiziU by Gettyimages (Gendai Business). VCHA, the second from the left is KG by Gettyimages... #NiziU"
The lawsuit filed by KG is seen as having an impact not only on VCHA and JYP but on the entire K-POP industry. Regarding the reasons for the lawsuit, KG mentioned "exploitation of child labor, neglect and abuse, and unfair contracts," among other things. I knew they weren't doing well, but I never expected it to escalate into a lawsuit, especially with the claim that "children and music are being used as tools for making money."
November: NMIXX Japan concert opposition signature campaign MAMA only features Bruno Mars and Rosé in video 143 CEO faces crisis of MADEIN due to sexual assault allegations December: President Yoon declares martial law VCHA KG files a lawsuit against JYP Jungwon and Winter in a private shisha room I hope next year will be a peaceful year, but I guess various problems will arise again~.
JYPを擁護するつもりはないけれど、現時点ではファンに伝わっているのはKG(ご両親)の主張のみ。第三者を挟んだ事実確認はこれから行われる段階のため、ひとまず見守りたいと思います。 それとは別に、KGのことは変わらず応援しているし、VCHAの活動が少しでも早く再開することを願っています。
The tweet translates to: "VCHA withdrawal - KG reveals the progress of the lawsuit: 'JYP is seeking private arbitration, and I am seeking public arbitration.'"
VCHA脱退・KGが訴訟の経過暴露『JYPは非公開の仲裁を求め、私は公開を求めている』 randomviews.net/archives/36130/ #VCHA #KG #VCHA_KG #JYP
The tweet translates to: "VCHA withdrawal 'KG', progress report 'JYP has sought mediation and wishes for confidentiality' - Debaku"
VCHA脱退「KG」、進捗報告「JYPは仲裁を求めた、非公開を望んでいる」 - デバク k-entame.news-jam.com/2025-03-01/?og…
The tweet translates to: "VCHA withdrawal 'KG', progress report 'JYP has sought mediation and wishes for confidentiality' daebak.tokyo/2025/03/01/vch…"
VCHA脱退「KG」、進捗報告「JYPは仲裁を求めた、非公開を望んでいる」 daebak.tokyo/2025/03/01/vch…
The lawsuit between VCHA's KG and JYP will have its first hearing on March 6. According to KG's claims, JYP wishes for arbitration, but KG hopes that all documents and evidence related to the case will be made public in court to reveal the truth. The hearing will be open to the public, and KG has expressed the intention to attend (as of today, there has been no official comment from JYP).
VCHAのKGとJYPとの訴訟は3月6日に初回尋問が行われる KGの主張によるとJYPは仲裁を希望しているがKGは本件の全ての書類と証拠が法廷で公開されることで真実が明らかにされること望んでいるとのこと 尋問は一般公開されKG本人も出席の意向を示している(今日時点ではJYPからの公式コメントはなし) pic.x.com/bTaCKMCKES x.com/pOfyWtDdUn6838…
The tweet translates to: "The Instagram story of former VCHA member KG, who is under JYP Entertainment, has been updated, revealing that the first court hearing will take place on the morning of March 6. Below is the translation of the original text: 'On the morning of March 6, I will attend my first court hearing. This court hearing is open to the public, and whether the trial will proceed to arbitration or...'"
JYPエンターテイメント所属VCHAの元メンバーKGのInstagramストーリーが更新され、初回の法定審問が3月6日の午前に行われることが明かされました。 以下、原文の翻訳です 「3月6日の朝、私は初めての法廷審問に出席します。この法廷審問は公開されており、裁判が仲裁に進むのか、 次につづく、、
"I'm really disappointed because I liked Vcha's songs and was supporting them. KG was especially my favorite member, being the visual and main vocalist..."