キム ビョングァンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
Here's the translation of the tweet: "A.C.E PINATA poca album trading card Offering: 1st card Looking for: 2nd card 🟦 Donghun Perfume note bookmark Offering: Wow, Byeongkwan, Chan Looking for: Donghun This will be an exchange by mail. Thank you 🙇♀️ #ACE #エイス #WOW #에이스 #BYEONGKWAN #DONGHUN #준 #동훈 #와우 #김병관 #찬 #ジュン" (Note: The link at the end is not translated as it appears to be a URL.)
The tweet translates to: "Former idol couple" ACE from PARAN and Kim Ji-hae from CATS have been revealed to be expecting twins! Congratulations from fans are pouring in. kstyle.com/article.ksn?ar…
“元アイドル夫婦”PARAN出身ACE&CATS出身キム・ジヘ、双子を授かったことが判明!ファンの祝福殺到 kstyle.com/article.ksn?ar…
The translation of the tweet is: "Is it legal for Kim Byung-gwan to look this good in a maid outfit??? pic.x.com/FOb7RLtwPj"
メイド服のキムビョングァンこんなに似合うなんてこれ合法か??? pic.x.com/FOb7RLtwPj
The tweet translates to: "250214 Ace MakeStar fan signing event 🧡 Byungkwan 'What does "love" mean to Byungkwan?' Relying on each other. 'What does "love" mean to Byungkwan?' Relying on each other." (Note: The link at the end appears to be a placeholder for an image or video.)
250214 에이스 메이크스타 팬사인회 🧡병관 『병관이에게 "사랑"이란?』 서로 의지하는 것 『ビョングァンにとって“愛”とは?』 お互いに頼り合うこと pic.x.com/K9O7EPsdMI
𓊈✉𓊉 📯2.19 A.C.E JAPAN OFFICIAL FAN CLUB [CHOICE JAPAN] has updated the "MEMBER MESSAGE" 💕 Today's responder is KIM BYEONGKWAN ☆ Be sure to check it out 👀 🔗ace-official.jp/member_message/ #ACE #에이스 #エイス #CHOICEJAPAN
𓊈✉𓊉 📯2.19 A.C.E JAPAN OFFICIAL FAN CLUB [CHOICE JAPAN] 「MEMBER MESSAGE」を更新しました💕 <Q&A ~交換ノート~> 本日の回答者はKIM BYEONGKWANです☆ ぜひチェックしてください👀 🔗ace-official.jp/member_message/ #ACE #에이스 #エイス #CHOICEJAPAN
"Byungkwan!! Everyone loves you more than you can imagine 🧡 #LoveYouKBK #KIMBYEONGKWAN #kbk #ACE"
ビョングァン!!君が想像してるよりもCHOICEは、みんな君の事が好きだよ🧡 #LoveYouKBK #KIMBYEONGKWAN #kbk #ACE pic.x.com/6MWCKoUFeu
ジヘさんおめでとうございます👶♡♡他のメンバーも元気にしているといいなぁ “元アイドル夫婦”PARAN出身ACE&CATS出身キム・ジヘ、不妊治療から6年…妊娠を報告 kstyle.com/article.ksn?ar…
Congratulations, Jihae-san! 👶♡♡ I hope the other members are doing well too. "Former idol couple" Jihae from PARAN and Kim Jihae from CATS report pregnancy after 6 years of infertility treatment. kstyle.com/article.ksn?ar…