The translation of the tweet is: "I have to sleep, but it's ily:1 time❣② I haven't posted about Nayu lately! #ily1 #NAYU pic.x.com/mBAIRDr4iC"
寝ないといけないのにily:1タイム❣② 最近ナユをあげてないにで! #ily1 #NAYU pic.x.com/mBAIRDr4iC
寝ないといけないのにily:1タイム❣ 最近ナユをあげてないにで! #ily1 #NAYU pic.x.com/TkITizKJ7E
The translation of the tweet is: "I have to sleep, but it's ily:1 time❣ I haven't posted about Nayu recently! #ily1 #NAYU pic.x.com/TkITizKJ7E"
#ドアロック 韓国映画 観了 これは女性と男で印象がかなり変わる作品。忍び寄る気持ち悪さ、恐怖感は、男にはイマイチ分からないのではないだろうか… コン・ヒョジンssi ステキ キム・イェウォンssi かっこいい 超頼りになる! pic.x.com/EfXmCecfIf
#DoorLock I finished watching the Korean movie. This is a work that leaves quite a different impression depending on whether you're a woman or a man. The creeping discomfort and sense of fear might not be fully understood by men... Con Hyo-jin is wonderful, Kim Ye-won is cool, and super reliable! pic.x.com/EfXmCecfIf
The translation of the tweet is: "Weekend ily:1 time❣⑤ Let's appreciate Nayu's cuteness! #ily1 #NAYU"
週末のily:1タイム❣⑤ ナユの可愛さを! #ily1 #NAYU pic.x.com/ppGRafIO5t
The tweet translates to: "ILY:1 LIVE IN JAPAN New Year's Party 2025-01-19, TOKYO DANCE COVER Trouble Maker by HANA and NAYU💋 #아일리원 #アイリーワン #ILY1 pic.x.com/jkh6e6vbMu"
The translation of the tweet is: "It's ily1 time again tonight❣② I tried to make Nayu's skin a little whiter! #ily1 #NAYU"
The translation of the tweet is: "Late night ily1 time❣ First up is Nayu! #ily1 #NAYU"
"Thanks to the adorable angel Kim Ye-won, even her sneezes are cute, and I can't stop smiling^^)♡"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "ILY:1 New Year's Party @FC LIVE TOKYO on 1/19 (Sun) night was so much fun this past week! 👹💕 Of course Ririka was amazing, but Nayuu, Hana, Rona, and Elba each shone with their own unique personalities too! ✨ ILY:1 is really a great group♪ Thank you everyone~ 👏 #ILY1 #아일리원 #アイリーワン #RIRIKA #리리카 #リリカ #ILY1かわいい" (Note: The link at the end seems to be a placeholder for an image or video.)
"Kim So Jung! Jeong Ye Rin! Jeong Eun Bi! Chae Yu Na! Hwang Eun Bi! Kim Ye Won! Girls! Friends! It's been about 5 years since I went to a live concert, but I still perfectly remember the cheers for their names, so I can always support them!"
The translation of the tweet is: "250118 2nd part ILY:1 LIVE IN JAPAN New Year’s Party @ FC LIVE Tokyo. Nayu is a child whose kindness shines through, right? 🙂 #ILY1 #アイリーワン #아일리원 #ILY1かわいい #NAYU #ナユ #나유 pic.x.com/0Kh8JhQXhU"