キム ユビンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | モッパンを見ながらモッパンすること / バラエティー番組の面 Eating while watching mukbang |
特技 | ダンス / Dance |
コメント | ピョンピョン走ってきてみんなのハートを溶かす情熱ハムスター Hops like a hamster and melts your hearts away |
Coming soon ...
Many people are saying that Pujé is the worst compared to MA1, Boipura, Garupura, and past Produce series. I've watched them all, but for me, Pujé was the best because I got to meet Kim Jong-min, someone I can love more than anyone else in the past. Of course, I have some complaints about the show, but meeting Jong-min made Pujé the best for me.
The 12th Contemporary Japanese Play Reading Performance will be held from February 21 (Friday) to February 23 (Sunday) at the National Theater of Korea, Myeongdong Arts Theater.
第12回現代日本戯曲朗読公演 2月21日((金)~23日(日) 国立劇団明洞芸術劇場 <上演作品> ②『#寿歌(#ほぎうた)』作:#北村想 原作紹介ページ⇒spac.or.jp/au2019-sp2020/… 日時:2月22日(土)午後6時/23日(日)午後2時(2回公演) 演出:ユン・へスク 翻訳:キム・ユビン(↓) pic.x.com/vyCegXvKMh
Here's the translation of the tweet: "It was in February 2022. A charming blonde girl was on TV. I had originally been into K-POP as a WIZONE, but I couldn't fully support it and had already distanced myself from K-POP. However, the moment I saw that charming blonde girl, it was 'love at first sight.' Apparently, her name is Kim Chaehyun. Is she number one in 'Girls Planet'?"
2022年2月のことであった 金髪の魅力的な女の子がテレビに映っていた K-POPには、元々WIZONEではまってはいたが、満足に推すことができずに、もうK-POPから離れていた しかし、金髪の魅力的な女の子を目にした瞬間だった 「一目惚れ」だった キム・チェヒョンという女の子らしい ガルプラ?で1位? ↓
The personal encounters with gods have gradually shifted from Galway, Grafenauer, Payu, Bainon, Jurgen Franz, Rona, and Bliakov to the younger generation, but I finally feel that a god from a clearly younger generation has manifested: Kim Yubin.
"I really like Khachaturian's concerto, but Kim Yubin is just too good."
"I'm watching Garupla little by little, but Kim Bora-chan sings so well!"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "PRODUCE X 101. X1. Kim Guk-hon is my 1 pick. I was surprised by Shihun's change to signal center. Since the Produce series cannot be voted on from Japan, I can only watch. (A lot has happened since then. Emne) Girls Planet 999. Kep1er. K group is Dayoung, C group is Wenchang, J group is Mashiro."
PRODUCE X 101。X1。キム・グクホンが1pick。 シフンのシグナルセンターの変更は驚いた。 プデュシリーズは日本からは投票できないからあくまでも観てるだけ。 (その後色々ありましたね。エムネ) Girls Planet 999。Kep1er。 Kグルはダヨン、Cグルはウエンヂャ、Jグルはマシロ。
The tweet translates to: "Kim Bora, who appeared in 'Girls Planet 999' and was part of Kep1er but whose group has disbanded, has been selected as the lead in a musical!"
The tweet translates to: "Kim Bora, who appeared in 'Girls Planet 999' and whose group has disbanded, has been selected as the lead in a musical! 👇 For details, see below 👇 abon.matometa-antenna.com/r18/2025010416…"