ILY1の特典会の時エルバちゃんが沖縄!?って言ったの私のせいですエルバちゃんびっくりさせてごめん( •̥-•̥ )
【1月13日イベント情報】 🎂誕生日:Billlie ハラム 🎂誕生日:イ・スンギ 💿カムバック:IVE『IVE ENPATHY』 📍FC LIVE TOKYO(東京):ILY1 🔗ily1.jp
The tweet translates to: "Speaking of which, Cignature's contract has ended → disbandment... TRI-BE might not be able to continue since Shinsadong Tiger has passed away... Instead, maybe BEWAVE, CLASS:y, or ILY:1."
The tweet translates to: "2024 ILY:1 3rd MINI ALBUM RELEASE EVENT IN JAPAN [241004 FCLIVE OSAKA] ILY:1 Member Self-Introductions (Rona, Nayu, Ara, Ririka, Elva, Hana) pic.x.com/RUVRI71Azk"
The tweet translates to: "If Iju-no and Iyeong-hwa were brothers, that would be the best! I really want to introduce them to Yong-woo."
"I was surprised that even though Iju-no and Iyon-hwa have very similar hairstyles and outfits and look alike, the way their smiles resonate with me is different. Both of them are people who laugh a lot, though."
The tweet text "イヨンファ🙂↕️🙂↕️🙂↕️🙂↕️" translates to "Lee Yong-hwa" in English, followed by a series of smiley face emojis.
The translation of the tweet is: "ILY1 Elva-san✨ #ILY1 #아일리원 #アイリーワン #エルバ #엘바 #ELVA @FCENM_ILY1 pic.x.com/syHVJZGV2Y" (Note: "Elva-san" is a respectful way to refer to someone named Elva in Japanese.)
The translation of the tweet is: "ILY1 Elba-san✨ #ILY1 #아일리원 #アイリーワン #エルバ #엘바 #ELVA @FCENM_ILY1 pic.x.com/MTdpYvNQ9N" (Note: The text includes hashtags and a mention, which are typically not translated.)
The translation of the tweet is: "ily:1 Airi One Exchange Offering: Hana, Nayu, Elba, Ririka Looking for: Same type, Rona > Ara Please feel free to reach out, thank you! 🍀" (Note: "ily:1" likely refers to a specific game or character set, and the names mentioned are likely characters from that context.)
The translation of the tweet is: "ILY1 Elva-san✨SMILE #ILY1 #아일리원 #アイリーワン #エルバ #엘바 #ELVA @FCENM_ILY1 pic.x.com/IetxocQlnU" (Note: The hashtags and the username remain unchanged as they are proper nouns and specific identifiers.)
The translation of the tweet text is: "ILY1 Elva-san✨ #ILY1 #아일리원 #アイリーワン #エルバ #엘바 #ELVA @FCENM_ILY1 pic.x.com/UcO7dPpiXJ" (Note: The hashtags and the username are left as is since they are proper nouns and specific to social media.)